Morning After Pill

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Former logistics/guest experience intern!
Sep 25, 2013
I am in a non-pharmacy store, but we still carry Plan B One Step (the morning after pill). It's not hugely popular, and when we sold a box of it yesterday, several team members were surprised.

Anyways, one of the team members wondered if she was required to sell it, as it would violate her religious beliefs of promoting abortion.

So it got me wondering..., if a guest presents a box of Plan B to the cashier, is the cashier obligated to sell it to her? Or can she direct them to another cashier? Are objections to the effects of the morning after pill protected under target's "religious diversity" policies?
Cashier is not obligated to sell it. You should apologize to the guest and call GSA and GSTL, and they can sell it.... the same way if somebody wants to buy alcohol and you are under 21 on the register. Target does not want you to speak about your religions opinion and the reason to the guest, keep it to yourself.
Does this cashier also refuse to ring up condoms? By the way, all Plan B does is prevent egg implantation, which is something that often happens naturally anyway. It's why timing for conception isn't 100% effective. Anyway, this cashier might want to look at trying to transfer to a different area of the store or find a job where she won't have to be presented with this conundrum. Best to try to avoid the situation rather than prepare for it, I think.
Its not an abortion inducing drug.. So I don't understand what the issue is, except a cashier that is refusing to do their job..
Prolife folk believe that Plan B induces a miscarriage of an already-fertilized egg, hence their objections (just admit you're against people having sex, willya?).
Moral objections were allowed for pharmacists & the point could be stretched for cashiers but it would be thin logic.
Otherwise someone could object to selling alcohol because a loved one was killed by a drunk driver.
As CrazyT said, just call a GSA/GSTL & step aside so someone else can help the guest. Spot doesn't care about your views.
She has the right to ask a GSA/GSTL to sell it for her but she doesn't have the right to say one frelling word to the guest about why she is doing it.

I've always thought it was a form of slut shaming anyway.
It's a way for the anti-birth control people to be to point and say 'LOOK, LOOK, THIS WOMAN HAD SEX! SHE'S DIRTY!"
Wow, some of the comments are very harsh toward the pro-life person. I thought liberals were suppose to be the tolerant ones?

I'm tolerant as all get out.

What I'm not very thrilled about is some poor woman who has a medical need and finds herself facing the scorn of the cashier.
Can you imagine going to buy condoms and having a man tell you he can't sell them to you, he has to call a supervisor over for religious reasons?
And yes, there are people who believe condoms are bad too.
I am in a non-pharmacy store, but we still carry Plan B One Step (the morning after pill). It's not hugely popular, and when we sold a box of it yesterday, several team members were surprised.

Anyways, one of the team members wondered if she was required to sell it, as it would violate her religious beliefs of promoting abortion.

So it got me wondering..., if a guest presents a box of Plan B to the cashier, is the cashier obligated to sell it to her? Or can she direct them to another cashier? Are objections to the effects of the morning after pill protected under target's "religious diversity" policies?
It's not promoting abortion, like in anyway, at all. She doesn't have to sell anything I guess in the same way Muslim cashiers do not have to sell pork products but I hope she (or any team member) doesn't make the guest feel like a spectacle is being made of their choice.
I'm tolerant as all get out.

What I'm not very thrilled about is some poor woman who has a medical need and finds herself facing the scorn of the cashier.
Can you imagine going to buy condoms and having a man tell you he can't sell them to you, he has to call a supervisor over for religious reasons?
And yes, there are people who believe condoms are bad too.

Like the pope. What do I do if I have a guest like in this story? Do I call a GSTL at that point to have them ring them up?

Just something I've been wondering.

Does this cashier also refuse to ring up condoms? By the way, all Plan B does is prevent egg implantation, which is something that often happens naturally anyway. It's why timing for conception isn't 100% effective. Anyway, this cashier might want to look at trying to transfer to a different area of the store or find a job where she won't have to be presented with this conundrum. Best to try to avoid the situation rather than prepare for it, I think.

Wow, some of the comments are very harsh toward the pro-life person. I thought liberals were suppose to be the tolerant ones?

Who said that the people here are liberals? While being pro-choice is a liberal position, being pro-choice does not necessarily make one completely liberal. And the TM that bullseyekindaguy mentioned is just a bit of an idiot. I'm not gonna beat around the bush. She's misinformed, as proven from what Softlines Ninja said. If she's going to take a stance on something, then she should actually learn about said stance.
Liberals are the champions of tolerance, equality, and are all about being open minded. I call it like I see it. For the record, I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. Just sayin'.

You shouldn't bash that woman simply because you don't like her stance on abortion. It's even more offensive and judgmental of you to mock her religious beliefs too. Just because she doesn't agree with you, it doesn't make her less of a person. She has religious convictions. What's wrong with that? This is America right? Murica!!!!!!!

And honestly, people are so impatient in 2014. Is it really going to kill you to wait on getting a pill? When I get my prescriptions at Target, I wait 30 minutes at least. Do I throw a fit about it? No. I wait 30 minutes and ask if my medicine is ready. If it's ready, I pay for it and leave.
😱😱😱😱😱Ok people...lets bring the topic back to the original subject.😳😳😳😳😳

As it was said, Plan B is not abortion causing. Its just prevents egg implantation.

However, if you are a cashier, and a guest is wanting an item that you hold an objection; either being condoms, pork, non-kosher foods, beer, liquor, medications, and processed foods, then just signal for the GSTL/GSA to scan it. You don't have to tell the guest the real reason. Just tell them you just need a supervisor to scan it for you. Simple as that.

But being in retail, you have to accept the thought you may have to handle items which you find objectionable/embarrasing. The sex aids, condoms, men handling lingerie/maxi pads, handling religious prohibited foods, beer/liquor. If its an item that frequently is brought up to the lanes, then you may have to find another work center.

And when you work at Target, once you clock in Target doesn't really care about your beliefs or standards. Its all about Target's might profit. Guests buying stuff is all they care about.
I disagree about Target not caring about your beliefs and stances. If you belong to a certain group, they most definitely do because they don't want a lawsuit. However, in 2014 religion especially being of the Christian faith won't give you that much sympathy. The trendy groups right now are gays and blacks. If you are a person from either group, you can play your card 24/7 because people don't want to be called a racist or bigot. It's sad that it is like but that's Murica. Doesn't WalMart sell birth control pills for like 8 or 10 dollars? Maybe people should cut back on MacDonald's or buying apps on their cell phone and use that money so they don't create a "mistake" in their eyes?
Hah, the disdain you have for blacks and gays is kind of funny.

Christians don't get much sympathy because they belong to the privileged. Society is attempting to remove that privilege by giving others fair ground and you're just sitting here with your sarcastic commentary like 'lol 'murica' like that's anything but a cop-out. You don't have anything real to say or anything that isn't reminiscent of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity. echooooo
I disagree about Target not caring about your beliefs and stances. If you belong to a certain group, they most definitely do because they don't want a lawsuit. However, in 2014 religion especially being of the Christian faith won't give you that much sympathy. The trendy groups right now are gays and blacks. If you are a person from either group, you can play your card 24/7 because people don't want to be called a racist or bigot. It's sad that it is like but that's Murica. Doesn't WalMart sell birth control pills for like 8 or 10 dollars? Maybe people should cut back on MacDonald's or buying apps on their cell phone and use that money so they don't create a "mistake" in their eyes?

Do you not understand how birth control pills work?
A woman can't get them without a prescription which is going to cost the doctors visit and lets not get into the companies that don't want to cover that under their insurance policies because of their freaking religion.

8 or 10 dollars is per month, if you can take the generic ones. Some woman can't, it's complicated.

Look, one of the smartest things anyone can do is think about what you are going to say before you speak.
Then when you do speak do it with intent, making sure that you don't randomly bombard others for no good reason.

I would never attack Christians in general or any other religion for that matter.
I have friends who are Muslim and for a Jew, there are member of my extended family that very much hate that idea.

What I do attack are self-righteous folks who use religion, any religion, as an excuse to judge others.
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Oh. I'm black and lgbt (b, specifically). I must be doubly trendy! Where can I retrieve this pull-card device?

I don't think she should've taken the job if she'd have to excuse herself for all transactions including contraceptives. I felt the same when that person posted forever ago about touching the meat when working p fresh.
Wow, some of the comments are very harsh toward the pro-life person. I thought liberals were suppose to be the tolerant ones?

And Jack you have probably never had a prescription refused because someone who has never talked to you, decided they knew better than your doctor.. Because their religion said it was abhorrent to God's will..

I believe in freedom of and more importantly freedom from religion.
I'm not trying to start the Crusades over this. I am just saying that making a federal case over this is childish and immature. Would you get mad at someone that had food allergies or was Jewish and can't eat pork if you were serving them food?
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