Archived My crazy incident while cashiering.

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Nov 25, 2013
A few months after working at Target I finally got one of those crazy people experiences. It was a woman with 3 daughters. At the beginning of the transaction, they put everything on the belt, I'm ringing this stuff up and her daughters are sweet talking me. I saw it for what it was, as my grandmother had worked in retail her whole life and we have had plenty of conversations of the shady sort. Somewhere in the middle this transaction, the mother also speaks up and says I am "simply a gorgeous young woman and she has a brother who needs a girlfriend". I politely say, "No thanks, I'm engaged" in a tone which says back off. To no avail, they then tried to complement me on my ring. Simple ticked off now, I'm trying to finish this transaction as fast as possible to get these weirdos out of my lane.

Near the end of the transaction, there were some high dollar electronic items and the high value visa cards. This was a red flag to me as this family looked to be of the poor type who wouldn't be able to afford the $3,000 total. End of the transaction, I tell the woman her total and she says: "OH I have some coupons!"

Here I am thinking, Oh great. Of course you do, but what coupons could you possibly have considering the items you bought. She said she had the new cartwheel app. At the time this incident happened, cartwheel was very new. The girl brings up a bar code on her phone and they say it is for 10% off your entire purchase, from the cartwheel app and she has a funny looking barcode. You know the screen that pops up when the register doesn't recognize a coupon and want's the dollar amount? That popped up. By this point, it was very obvious to me what these people were up too. The sweet talk, the high dollar items, the "coupons" that didn't work. This reeked of scam scam scam.

The scary part of this, is the woman must have worked at Target before because she knew my registers functions, as when the "coupon amt?" screen appeared, she was trying to instruct me that I needed to type in the amount of the coupon, which was $100, and which K buttons to hit. HA, that's likely! *eyeroll* To simply humor her I did this twice, never intended to let her finish the transactions with those "coupons". After this she wants me to take off one of the high dollar items. I said, "Okay, If I do that I am deleting all your coupons". She then asked "why I would do that" and I said "because you said this was 10% off an entire purchase order and you just asked me to take off a $300 item. I am not doing that, because that does not even make sense" So while I'm talking I delete one and she gets all upset saying she deleted the barcode on her phone. Yeah sure you did. I was trying to show her I am not a gullible idiot. I am about to turn my light on to shut the door on this scam.

One of the GSTL walks by and I say, "Hey, I have a quick question about this!" She sees the coupon amount and asks what it is from and immediately the trashy woman blurts in that it is cart wheel. From the corner of her mouth, the GSTL whispers, "fishy?" I nod. and then she tells me it's time for my break. Went back to the break room and I hear the GSTL call the LOD up and as the LOD is walking to the front, I catch her coming through the break room and I let her know the scoop. After my break the woman is long gone, but I was told that the LOD did accept the "coupons" and the woman left with just a few items.

I was simply astounded the rest of the night, because it was my first major scam experience. Obviously, she came to my lane because I am younger and she probably thought I was stupid and gullible to fall for her little sweet talk scam rip off. Have never seen that woman since, I think the LOD might have made it clear that it wouldn't fly again. One of the most unbelievable things besides this woman having her young daughters in on this scam was her wanting me to meet up with her brother. This woman has to be in her late 40's and god knows how old this brother is. Yeah of course I want to meet your old nasty brother, who is probably a scammer like you too! Gee thanks lady. *facepalm*

At least it's a fun story. Thanks for reading if you did!
Yep, just when you think you've seen/heard it all.....something far more twisted pops up.
Of course, I've had other experiences. This is just the one that sticks out most - at least so far! Lol. I still have a good ways to go to have many more "AMAZING"!(copyright) experiences.
So many of those scamming operations are family run.
They pass down the techniques and the kids even teach the parents new technology.

I've often thought that if the people who did this kind of scamming applied themselves to professional jobs with the same fervor they would be dangerous.
Unfortunately, Madam, here at Target, we don't accept fraudulent coupons, nor do we accept coupons, that ask for the amount. I should also advise you at this time, that it's a felony, and you can be charged with fraud by deception.

I highly encourage you, to please pay for your items without such coupons at this time, or please leave our store. You have a nice day now 😛
I had a very similar experience. two Israeli men came to my line one night with a cart full of nothing but razors and I was already on alert and they proceeded to put for razor packs up with 4 coupons for the refills with a purchase of a razor and hey did not have these. I could hear them speaking in Hebrew and I knew what they were saying and it was pretty much "he isn't going to fall for this" I think they were thinking I would give them a break but when they knew it was not happening they put the razors back themselves and bought a pack of shampoo and left.
I had a very similar experience. two Israeli men came to my line one night with a cart full of nothing but razors and I was already on alert and they proceeded to put for razor packs up with 4 coupons for the refills with a purchase of a razor and hey did not have these. I could hear them speaking in Hebrew and I knew what they were saying and it was pretty much "he isn't going to fall for this" I think they were thinking I would give them a break but when they knew it was not happening they put the razors back themselves and bought a pack of shampoo and left.

Always funny when you can speak the language and they assume you can't.
None of my wife's students expected the little, red headed Jewish lady to know Spanish.
The kids from the previous years never warned them either.
yea I wear a Kippah even when I am at work and it always brings a smile to the co workers and guests who happen to be Jewish too. but it also at times gets me people who think they can pull a fast one on me.
yea I wear a Kippah even when I am at work and it always brings a smile to the co workers and guests who happen to be Jewish too. but it also at times gets me people who think they can pull a fast one on me.

Do you wear the tzitzit as well?
If you do, that would be a pretty good indication that you can at least understand basic Hebrew.

I alway found it interesting being one of two Jews in the store, I spent a lot of time on break explaining things.
I do wear tzitzits. I am one of five Jews and on Fridays we always wish each other Shabbat Shalom when we see each other. I get asked a lot of questions too especially when I end up having to Daven before my shift in the morning with Tefillin. One of the guys waited for me to finish and asked me "what are those things you got on?"
I had a very similar experience. two Israeli men came to my line one night with a cart full of nothing but razors and I was already on alert and they proceeded to put for razor packs up with 4 coupons for the refills with a purchase of a razor and hey did not have these. I could hear them speaking in Hebrew and I knew what they were saying and it was pretty much "he isn't going to fall for this" I think they were thinking I would give them a break but when they knew it was not happening they put the razors back themselves and bought a pack of shampoo and left.

Always funny when you can speak the language and they assume you can't.
None of my wife's students expected the little, red headed Jewish lady to know Spanish.
The kids from the previous years never warned them either.

Yeah that is why a couple girls on Plano team hate me, they can't talk behind my back. Cause I just shut them down one day when they thought I couldn't understand them talking about me. The surprise when I shut them down in Spanish. Never assume!
It might of been on here or another forum, but I remember reading a story about how this Russian couple came through someones line and were bad mouthing the cashier, who also happened to speak Russian. They were saying things like "Look, this girl has to be a stripper/hooker". After the transaction, she replied saying she was a university student, waiting to apply to a NASA program. Lol.
A few months after working at Target I finally got one of those crazy people experiences. It was a woman with 3 daughters. At the beginning of the transaction, they put everything on the belt, I'm ringing this stuff up and her daughters are sweet talking me. I saw it for what it was, as my grandmother had worked in retail her whole life and we have had plenty of conversations of the shady sort. Somewhere in the middle this transaction, the mother also speaks up and says I am "simply a gorgeous young woman and she has a brother who needs a girlfriend". I politely say, "No thanks, I'm engaged" in a tone which says back off. To no avail, they then tried to complement me on my ring. Simple ticked off now, I'm trying to finish this transaction as fast as possible to get these weirdos out of my lane.

Near the end of the transaction, there were some high dollar electronic items and the high value visa cards. This was a red flag to me as this family looked to be of the poor type who wouldn't be able to afford the $3,000 total. End of the transaction, I tell the woman her total and she says: "OH I have some coupons!"

Here I am thinking, Oh great. Of course you do, but what coupons could you possibly have considering the items you bought. She said she had the new cartwheel app. At the time this incident happened, cartwheel was very new. The girl brings up a bar code on her phone and they say it is for 10% off your entire purchase, from the cartwheel app and she has a funny looking barcode. You know the screen that pops up when the register doesn't recognize a coupon and want's the dollar amount? That popped up. By this point, it was very obvious to me what these people were up too. The sweet talk, the high dollar items, the "coupons" that didn't work. This reeked of scam scam scam.

The scary part of this, is the woman must have worked at Target before because she knew my registers functions, as when the "coupon amt?" screen appeared, she was trying to instruct me that I needed to type in the amount of the coupon, which was $100, and which K buttons to hit. HA, that's likely! *eyeroll* To simply humor her I did this twice, never intended to let her finish the transactions with those "coupons". After this she wants me to take off one of the high dollar items. I said, "Okay, If I do that I am deleting all your coupons". She then asked "why I would do that" and I said "because you said this was 10% off an entire purchase order and you just asked me to take off a $300 item. I am not doing that, because that does not even make sense" So while I'm talking I delete one and she gets all upset saying she deleted the barcode on her phone. Yeah sure you did. I was trying to show her I am not a gullible idiot. I am about to turn my light on to shut the door on this scam.

One of the GSTL walks by and I say, "Hey, I have a quick question about this!" She sees the coupon amount and asks what it is from and immediately the trashy woman blurts in that it is cart wheel. From the corner of her mouth, the GSTL whispers, "fishy?" I nod. and then she tells me it's time for my break. Went back to the break room and I hear the GSTL call the LOD up and as the LOD is walking to the front, I catch her coming through the break room and I let her know the scoop. After my break the woman is long gone, but I was told that the LOD did accept the "coupons" and the woman left with just a few items.

I was simply astounded the rest of the night, because it was my first major scam experience. Obviously, she came to my lane because I am younger and she probably thought I was stupid and gullible to fall for her little sweet talk scam rip off. Have never seen that woman since, I think the LOD might have made it clear that it wouldn't fly again. One of the most unbelievable things besides this woman having her young daughters in on this scam was her wanting me to meet up with her brother. This woman has to be in her late 40's and god knows how old this brother is. Yeah of course I want to meet your old nasty brother, who is probably a scammer like you too! Gee thanks lady. *facepalm*

At least it's a fun story. Thanks for reading if you did!
cool story bro why did you accept those coupons lol
Of course the LOD accepted the coupons....gotta vibe with those guest lol

Did you remember to save the guest an additional 5% with a redcard😛
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