I’ve been using my work to scan items because it’s so much faster. Just use my day for all the other stuff.
The struggle was real today scanning items. Took the page 25 long seconds to load between each item. At first I thought it was from battery drain but switching to a full battery didn't help either.
It drains the battery so freaking hard when it gets laggy like that

I've had to swap mine out twice in a shift a couple times because it just murders them.
It drains the battery so freaking hard when it gets laggy like that

I've had to swap mine out twice in a shift a couple times because it just murders them.

I can usually last an 8 hour shift on one battery as a DBO because I don't need to use it much- I know where my stuff goes, but when I get pulled to help Plano.....forget it. I use it for setting and scanning so that screen is on a lot!
Hey All!
I’m curious what the “I’m Done” option is in the Fill section while doing 141s. Can I just stop doing those when I choose even though it doesn’t show “Task Completed”? What’s its purpose?
Do you think we should be pulling 141s through the day?
Thank you!
Hey All!
I’m curious what the “I’m Done” option is in the Fill section while doing 141s. Can I just stop doing those when I choose even though it doesn’t show “Task Completed”? What’s its purpose?
Do you think we should be pulling 141s through the day?
Thank you!
The purpose is to fill the floor. Spot is grading stores on completion every day of the fill app. When done, it clears your tasks for the day.
The purpose is to fill the floor. Spot is grading stores on completion every day of the fill app. When done, it clears your tasks for the day.
Then our store will fail because the majority of the tasks for me (Grocery) are stuff I never do.

You could have TRAINED to me but apparently Target doesn't think that is important.

It was the same way with the new POS system which we use at checkout.
My store would fail too . I do grocery and typical day it has ~700 tasks. It keeps on adding and at the end of my day I will still have ~250 tasks. Yesterday we had a huge sales , so I have 800+ tasks to begin with today . I don’t think I could ever finish my pulls with this app . 😓

I haven’t seen this yet. Can there be a tone change for FrontEnd alerts? I’m in a high volume store and between the music and the guests and team members/leads screaming into a walkie, my front end is so loud that 98% of the time I don’t hear the alerts.

Also, there used to be a myschedule functionality in the ancient PDA’s where we had access to the schedule to input breaks and attendance. Any plans to bring something like that back? Because that was a lifesaver for the front end. Much easier to have it in the device than to carry a bunch of paper around.
I have been pulling Beverage by aisle under dry grocery because what used to be "BEV 1" and "BEV2" is now there.

However I also noticed our "Liquor" which are like Margarita mixers is now called "Adult Beverage" but is under its own Area.

So here's a related question for you all.

We sometimes have tea or croutons (which is dry grocery) in a rack by the produce.

That aisle is not considered dry grocery so will MyDay even ask you to pull it?
I have been pulling Beverage by aisle under dry grocery because what used to be "BEV 1" and "BEV2" is now there.

However I also noticed our "Liquor" which are like Margarita mixers is now called "Adult Beverage" but is under its own Area.

So here's a related question for you all.

We sometimes have tea or croutons (which is dry grocery) in a rack by the produce.

That aisle is not considered dry grocery so will MyDay even ask you to pull it?

It would. It could be pulled either by that aisle or simply under the area of Dry Grocery. Our Food TL discovered this flaw last week with the checklane pogs, many of which are Snack but those pogs and area fall under GM and not Grocery.
It would. It could be pulled either by that aisle or simply under the area of Dry Grocery. Our Food TL discovered this flaw last week with the checklane pogs, many of which are Snack but those pogs and area fall under GM and not Grocery.
Oh my!! I have been asking so many people if any one discovered where the check lane stuffs are located in the pulls. Ok next time , I will check under GM. Thanks! So if you sort by aisles in GM, will it show like CL1,CL2..?
Oh my!! I have been asking so many people if any one discovered where the check lane stuffs are located in the pulls. Ok next time , I will check under GM. Thanks! So if you sort by aisles in GM, will it show like CL1,CL2..?

I believe so. Look under the Incremental area for GM. I think that's where she said she found it.

I haven’t seen this yet. Can there be a tone change for FrontEnd alerts? I’m in a high volume store and between the music and the guests and team members/leads screaming into a walkie, my front end is so loud that 98% of the time I don’t hear the alerts.

Also, there used to be a myschedule functionality in the ancient PDA’s where we had access to the schedule to input breaks and attendance. Any plans to bring something like that back? Because that was a lifesaver for the front end. Much easier to have it in the device than to carry a bunch of paper around.
Do you mean like, for TLs to keep track of people's breaks? Because mine gives me meal and shift end alerts.

I haven’t seen this yet. Can there be a tone change for FrontEnd alerts? I’m in a high volume store and between the music and the guests and team members/leads screaming into a walkie, my front end is so loud that 98% of the time I don’t hear the alerts.

Also, there used to be a myschedule functionality in the ancient PDA’s where we had access to the schedule to input breaks and attendance. Any plans to bring something like that back? Because that was a lifesaver for the front end. Much easier to have it in the device than to carry a bunch of paper around.
The PDA had some good, well thought out apps and then one by one they were killed off. I used the schedule app a bit when I didn’t have a grid even when I was a TM long before I promoted. Then it stopped working when we switched from MAX to myTime. It was handy. I’d sign in as an ETL so I could have access to myProgress and more and such so I could keep track of instock task completion & alerts. Man the good ole days... when I cared.
Did anyone else notice that price change labels don't clear out after the POG isn't tied anymore?

Yes, though the ones I had today *technically* should still be part of the old pog until the end of this week. But we set early so they are currently NOP instead.
Cannot print shelf labels for some items that have two locations (pre-tie and current tie). It forces both locations to be selected and then errors “internal exception has occurred” when hitting print.

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