Don’t like this. Don’t make it so big it gets bloated. Some things should be seperate (pickup, for example) @mobileFellow
Yeah, there's good reasons to keep different functions in different apps. With everything in one app, it can be more convenient if done properly, but with all the menus it's currently not any more convenient to switch between things in MyDay as it was to switch apps, in fact I'd say it's worse now because with different apps you would keep, for example, where you are at in a pull if you wanted to backstock something, but now that's not possible.
that'll be addressed soon. specifically the not being clear what happens when failure happens, and what you are supposed to do when it happens. ideally it'd never happen, but that's not a good way to plan.

loading tasks to be done used to be a load issue, shouldn't be anymore (except for those with every work area selected). none of the bugs we've got are due to load or consolidation of stuff to do. wifi connectivity maybe an occasional issue, but coverage in store is solid.

the app will just keep getting better (and bigger) over time. as will the process things being handled by folks not directly working on the app.
Thank you!
So I read through a lot of this thread looking for answers, but have we figured out what's going on with the OFO's being astronomically high? I'm the Boys/Girls/Infants DBO at my store and I'm tired of coming in daily pulling 900+ OFO's every morning and backstocking 90% of it. Is this a company wide issue? My SFQ and SFC's are up to date and accurate, all are tied to correct locations, but every single day they're just incredibly huge. I just want to know if others have found a way to fix this and what I can do to save my Style department the stress of spending an entire shift doing pulls.

Best example I can give to make things more clear; I have set the capacity of an infant girl shirt to 2, checked to make sure the SFQ is at 2, and then the pulls will still have me take 2 out from the back. POG is up to date, it's not accidentally tied in multiple locations. Is this an issue with the data not updating in time before OFO's are pulled daily? Our leads and ETL aren't entirely versed with even the old apps like the audit app, so if there's a workaround in another app, they wouldn't have trained us on it. I'm desperate for any solutions anyone can give me.
So I read through a lot of this thread looking for answers, but have we figured out what's going on with the OFO's being astronomically high? I'm the Boys/Girls/Infants DBO at my store and I'm tired of coming in daily pulling 900+ OFO's every morning and backstocking 90% of it. Is this a company wide issue? My SFQ and SFC's are up to date and accurate, all are tied to correct locations, but every single day they're just incredibly huge. I just want to know if others have found a way to fix this and what I can do to save my Style department the stress of spending an entire shift doing pulls.

Best example I can give to make things more clear; I have set the capacity of an infant girl shirt to 2, checked to make sure the SFQ is at 2, and then the pulls will still have me take 2 out from the back. POG is up to date, it's not accidentally tied in multiple locations. Is this an issue with the data not updating in time before OFO's are pulled daily? Our leads and ETL aren't entirely versed with even the old apps like the audit app, so if there's a workaround in another app, they wouldn't have trained us on it. I'm desperate for any solutions anyone can give me.
I do believe that if anything is discontinued it pulls all regardless of capacity.
I do believe that if anything is discontinued it pulls all regardless of capacity.
Our TL's tell us not to pull discontinued, so while it's factored into the total, we aren't pulling it. Here's my pulls for today, for example

Kids Apparel 576 (1163)
One for One 539 (891)
Out of Stock 217 (409)
Clearance NOP 31 (85)
Discontinued 57 (186)

So even if we were pulling discontinued, it's not the bulk of what its asking for.

We are a larger store and our style department is one of the biggest sellers, but even after weekends still most of this won't go out. My ETL is convinced these are so high because we sell a lot (our hours sure don't reflect that if its true) but its the same thing regardless if this is on a Sunday or on a random Wednesday, 90% of this will be backstocked again. The MyWork 2.0 app never had any issues like this, it was only when we switched over to MyDay that this sort of thing started happening immediately in all departments of our style team.
One thing I noticed is, the upper few shelves of the backroom aisles are still marked as casestock. If there are lot of one item backstocked there , it’s assuming it as a casestock and asks to pull them all even if you don’t need that many . If I only take 2 instead of 12 then the quantity will later show as some instead of the real count . I would rather fix that ‘some’ manually than pulling 12 bottles of pasta sauce from the 10th shelf !! Yeah but it’s no fun!!
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One thing I noticed is, the upper few shelves of the backroom aisles are still marked as casestock. If there are lot of one item backstocked there , it’s assuming it as a casestock and asks to pull them all even if you don’t need that many . If I only take 2 instead of 12 then the quantity will later show as some instead of the real count . I would rather fix that ‘some’ manually than pulling 12 bottles of pasta sauce from the 10th shelf !! Yeah but it’s no fun!!

Fix those backroom locations to make them open stock.
Thought I liked the pricing in “my day” at first. Now I hate it. I noticed that for some reason items that go 70% off when you scan them will tell you the new price is activated but won’t print tickets. Also why is there no option to print a clearance ticket for an item already on clearance while in the pricing function? You have to back out and go to the “scan” function and then select print and the clearance ticket. These things need fixed ASAP.
item fill is broken. it keeps crashing or exiting out randomly and we lose the entire item fill batch. have to go back out on floor and re-scan everything, only to exit and lose the fill batch again. are SFQs properly recording? dpci completion...does this even count? FIX THIS!!!
Thought I liked the pricing in “my day” at first. Now I hate it. I noticed that for some reason items that go 70% off when you scan them will tell you the new price is activated but won’t print tickets. Also why is there no option to print a clearance ticket for an item already on clearance while in the pricing function? You have to back out and go to the “scan” function and then select print and the clearance ticket. These things need fixed ASAP.
What I’ve noticed is that if a clearance item is still on planogram the pricing function won’t print labels. If it’s NOP it will offer to print. Problem is it seems if something has been recently untied the pricing function will still think it’s on planogram and not print. Ugh.
Thought I liked the pricing in “my day” at first. Now I hate it. I noticed that for some reason items that go 70% off when you scan them will tell you the new price is activated but won’t print tickets. Also why is there no option to print a clearance ticket for an item already on clearance while in the pricing function? You have to back out and go to the “scan” function and then select print and the clearance ticket. These things need fixed ASAP.
you should be able to hit pause in a flow and go do a thing wo having to leave altogether.

we are not waiting as long as myWork did for a printing response and that's causing print fun.
you should be able to hit pause in a flow and go do a thing wo having to leave altogether.

we are not waiting as long as myWork did for a printing response and that's causing print fun.
I haven’t tried the pause. Personally I wondered what the point is when you can just exit and go back in. So are you saying it’s like “toggle”? If so I will have to try that but it would still be ideal to have the function to print a clearance ticket for a previously activated item while in the pricing app- like we could before
When I am in fill and scanning, every 25-30 dpci’s I will get an orange error and can’t do anything. Only solution is to completely close the app and get back into the batch. For me it doesn’t make me restart the entire thing, but I’m always confused if I should keep the item I was HOLDING but hadn’t yet scanned because the myday doesn’t bring that item up. Where does that item go?
I have found that if it takes you back to where you left off then the item wasn't pulled & if it doesn't take you back to where you left off then the item was pulled. I always check the backstock count to be sure of this before continuing.
What I’ve noticed is that if a clearance item is still on planogram the pricing function won’t print labels. If it’s NOP it will offer to print. Problem is it seems if something has been recently untied the pricing function will still think it’s on planogram and not print. Ugh.
Yeah, I think it updates on sunday or Monday. It also takes the on hands from those days, so if you are looking for the final one of a thing that actually sold two days prior, you have to activate it. I wosh the system would know what sold out and just not include them.
What I’ve noticed is that if a clearance item is still on planogram the pricing function won’t print labels. If it’s NOP it will offer to print. Problem is it seems if something has been recently untied the pricing function will still think it’s on planogram and not print. Ugh.
Clearance labels are found under hq batches.
Yeah, I think it updates on sunday or Monday. It also takes the on hands from those days, so if you are looking for the final one of a thing that actually sold two days prior, you have to activate it. I wosh the system would know what sold out and just not include them.
It really makes no sense for it to “cache” info like it seems to. Especially when pricing in mywork and the price change app before that didn’t have these problems.

Clearance labels are found under hq batches.
Correct, but we’re talking about the sticky labels that are printed on the hip printers when the merch goes to the clearance end caps.
I know there is an option under scan to print clearance tickets for items that have been activated under PC. Not sure if/how it affects metrics.
PRICING Questions -

1. Why do I need to scan every item on the clearance endcaps twice to get proper ticketing- first under the pricing app For the auto print tickets and Then AGAIN with the scan app to be able to print Stickers for missed clearance ! WASTE of time !!

2. Why is scanning LABELS with multiple locations so complicated, time consuming, often ineffective ? (not to mention frustrating !)

3. What are the results of tapping the ‘cannot find’ box ?
Have had to do this for ALL the stationary clearance being stored up in steel until it goes salvage !
Actually just wondering if this box effects counts or shortage ?
Because the list must be cleared each week, Sometimes we use the ‘cannot Find’ and sometimes we are typing in the DPCI and printing the number of labels expected then throwing them away. Knowing neither is good, which is better ?
***this week we will have all the stationary AND all the electronics clearance that got boxed up and ‘stored’ !

4. Can we please have one endcap In each dept (or at least section - 6 per store - an A, B, C, D, E, F )
- DEDICATED to clearance ! Cause too often we have no where to put it !

5. Can we damage out any clearance that has been there for years and not gone salvage ?
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