This is happening for me in Mens too. I pull, backstock, and the same damn items just pop up in the next Fill. Quantities are correct and still this nonsense.

I've given up trying to backstock those items and just keep them unlocated in the back. Not ideal but I keep tabs on the salesfloor quantities to fill when needed.
Has anyone had any issues where random backroom locations keep becoming unlocated? In the past 5 days I located 9-10 pallets of bulk toys in the steel, and then today I found out that they are NO LONGER backstocked, have no pull date.... I am not sure if it's myDay not backstocking correctly, or is it just an dumb employeee auditing locations since they are lazy and don't want to pull the items..
Has anyone had any issues where random backroom locations keep becoming unlocated? In the past 5 days I located 9-10 pallets of bulk toys in the steel, and then today I found out that they are NO LONGER backstocked, have no pull date.... I am not sure if it's myDay not backstocking correctly, or is it just an dumb employeee auditing locations since they are lazy and don't want to pull the items..

Fulfillment TMs hitting All Items Scanned because they don't want to get into the steel and they don't know they can just skip backroom locations now. That's my best guess. Shit's happening at my store with our seasonals.
But if the floor is full there should be no problem. Pulling and backstocking the same damn items every day is ridiculous.

Should be is key there. People INF things in style all the time that are on the floor, especially in Men's because at least at my store it's the least ordered style section so there's less familiarity for flex. Also, Men's basics pogs are always a bitch. But, if you have a bunch of extra underwear packages located in the back, then it's easy.
Should be is key there. People INF things in style all the time that are on the floor, especially in Men's because at least at my store it's the least ordered style section so there's less familiarity for flex. Also, Men's basics pogs are always a bitch. But, if you have a bunch of extra underwear packages located in the back, then it's easy.
The problem is it's coming up to pull every day when the floor is full. And no it's not disco, it's new active merchandise.
The only thing I can think of is the item discontinued. It will want you to pull it.
I have been having the same issue in my 141s. These items aren't discontinued they are active. And they over-pull everyday. The on-hands are right and the capacity is right. There is no reason for them to pull. Yet everyday they do. Sometimes it switches which items it overpulls. It'll do that for a couple days and then it'll switch to a couple other items. I have no idea why they system thinks it needs to be pulled when all the numbers are correct.

But it is good to know others are having this problem too.
Love that, with the newest update to myDay, the keyboard doesn't automatically pop up when you need to enter a quantity whilst backstocking anymore.
Man I was PISSED about that all damn day. If it’s not one thing it’s another 😡
You can hit the arrow button which should make the keyboard disappear, unless it doesn’t work when you tried it.
Not as annoying as having to go out of "backstocking" into "scan item" to fix/update your backroom, though.

Someone was kind enough to backstock random shit in my stockroom... product not even from my department. I was too tired to look up the culprit, though.
Yeah the keyboard popping up has been a major problem since few days . Also , I have observed when I backstock , sometimes it’s not updating . I try again and again and it still shows none in backroom . After sometime all my tries goes active and then I went back and fixed it . So now I log I observe it’s not backstocked , I just take note of it and come back after sometime to see if it’s updated .

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