Add a zero and its fine. But the auto generated price just needs the zero added in. It's really just a formating error in the code and could be fixed in a single line of code.
In MyDay? I've tried that. I get drive-up alerts no matter what area I do or don't assign myself.
Pretty sure they are sent from the Pickup app currently and sent to everyone regardless. They have plans to move them to myDay but it hasn’t happened yet to my knowledge.

I love walking into the equipment room to grab a battery and have every mydevice that is charging make the drive up sounds
@mobileFellow @HQWireless

Possible bug or oversight but I cannot print a 4x11 (and possibly 7x11) sign at regular price if that item is currently on sale.

I need to print reg. price point for displays during transitions. (Tvs, strollers, etc)

For ex. I get 2 options for 4x11. One with and w/o the sale week date next to it. When I print both, they both came out on sale.

Only other way I can print is if wait for it to stop going on sale. But this can also be a problem because TV are always going on sale.

This issue has existed for over a year now but I want to bring it up again.

What can be printed is determined by a specific service that matches items to sign types. Have you got details (like DPCI or TCIN) that I can check?

Change your "area" in your settings.

This won't help :-\. Pickup alerts go to Pickup, not myDay, and we can't target them by workcenter ... yet.

@HQWireless I have a bug report for you.

The markdown function,
I was using it tonight on my discontinues printing repack stickers. I ran into a issue. If I told it to print anymore then 2. It would only print a random amount between 2 and the number I entered.

Tonight I entered 10 on how many to print. And I got wildly different amounts each time. 6 was the largest amount that came out. It never printed all 10.

I'll get you a video tommorow night if I remember.
That is going to be a hard one to track down without details. If you're comfortable sharing it with me, can we DM for some details?
@HQWireless I have a bug report for you.

The markdown function,
I was using it tonight on my discontinues printing repack stickers. I ran into a issue. If I told it to print anymore then 2. It would only print a random amount between 2 and the number I entered.

Tonight I entered 10 on how many to print. And I got wildly different amounts each time. 6 was the largest amount that came out. It never printed all 10.

I'll get you a video tommorow night if I remember.

Ive seen an issue similar to this in price change but it seems the printer has something to do with it not necessarily the app printing it. I’ve been in price change and asked for a certain amount of tickets and the printer just does what it wants.. sometimes just one. Sometimes a couple and then stopping. Using a different printer and it will work as expected. Don’t know if that’s the same issue that might be happening here.

Moral of the story is the printers are not the most reliable. They print when the feel like it and there really is no way for the app to know that the printer failed to print correctly. @HQWireless
Ive seen an issue similar to this in price change but it seems the printer has something to do with it not necessarily the app printing it. I’ve been in price change and asked for a certain amount of tickets and the printer just does what it wants.. sometimes just one. Sometimes a couple and then stopping. Using a different printer and it will work as expected. Don’t know if that’s the same issue that might be happening here.

Moral of the story is the printers are not the most reliable. They print when the feel like it and there really is no way for the app to know that the printer failed to print correctly. @HQWireless
When I was working with printing in myStore, zebra had a way to print n labels. It seems like the the store applications print each label one by one with a delay between them. If the printer is not ready again within that delay it won't print.
Ive seen an issue similar to this in price change but it seems the printer has something to do with it not necessarily the app printing it. I’ve been in price change and asked for a certain amount of tickets and the printer just does what it wants.. sometimes just one. Sometimes a couple and then stopping. Using a different printer and it will work as expected. Don’t know if that’s the same issue that might be happening here.

Moral of the story is the printers are not the most reliable. They print when the feel like it and there really is no way for the app to know that the printer failed to print correctly. @HQWireless

It may help to know that the myDevice and printer don't directly communicate at all, but instead prints are facilitated through a service at HQ. A print job is created, then sent to the device, and the API will check back on the print periodically to make sure it finished, or errored, etc. I'm not here to say it's the best thing, but it is the way it works as of now, and would imagine the best we can do is see if it's possible to get a more reliability feed back to that service to make printing better.
It may help to know that the myDevice and printer don't directly communicate at all, but instead prints are facilitated through a service at HQ. A print job is created, then sent to the device, and the API will check back on the print periodically to make sure it finished, or errored, etc. I'm not here to say it's the best thing, but it is the way it works as of now, and would imagine the best we can do is see if it's possible to get a more reliability feed back to that service to make printing better.
if nothing else, could we just make it happen faster?
Did you save your changes though? Because if you don't do that, nothing actually changes.
the assignment in myDay is terrible. I do Electronics and Entertainment, right? I was getting price audits for the pharmacy and for stationary while I was in the correct area. In addition, That logic doesn't make sense (at least at my store) because in the equipment room if a drive-up order comes the whole room beeps and no way all of those were signed on as drive-up TMs.
If you open Pickup, you get drive up alerts unless you're sneaky like me and turn them off on that device. This really does need fixing. As OPU captain I do need to use Pickup everyday, but I really don't need drive up alerts, especially when I'm on the salesfloor near guests.
How do you turn them off? Did you just force close the pickup app from the app switcher?
Drive Up alerts currently go to the Drive Up app, not myDay. We rested this late last year but backed it out because there was an issue with launching Pickup from myDay. As such, work areas have nothing to do with whether or not you receive pickup alerts. It is an intentional decision that every device makes noise - for now, anyway.

Also, please don’t disable alerts. Reenabling them is hard, and the CSC doesn’t have a good way of doing it. Turn the volume down, sure, but pretty please, as someone who takes incident escalations, don’t disable anything.
Let me ask. Last time it was explained to me, printing confirmation and status uses a protocol called SNMP to query the device for print completion, and that is only so fast. There’s also just print render time, but I don’t believe that’s slow.
Back in ye olde days when POS printed directly to the printer via EZprint it was lightning fast. So hopefully it can be improved somehow. This may be a dumb question but why can’t the mydevice just print to the printer? I have to assume sending something to HQ and back has a big overhead.
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