Do you turn auto print on or is what you referring to something different?


I HAVE TO turn the auto print off for scanning existing style clearance aka further and final. If I set the auto print to "on" the printer will print a ticket for every single item that is scanned whether it is in the current workload and needs to be ticketed/activated or not (in other words activated previously or in previous week).
'Auto print on" all the time leads to double counting items and screwing up counts I think. AP does not love the salvage not found metrics if I counted one item twice and only salvage it once - - or sell only one of the imaginary now multiples on the floor. Those imaginary counts/printed tickets twice for one product up as shortage in during inventory.
Thus having to stop and hit that little print button on the zebra screen every time I want a ticket for further and final is a giant pain and interuptionand slows down progress. It is also a giant pain to have to correct the little tiny grey box that says how many tickets to print everytime in that process as well. Sometimes I have to try to correct the little tiny greybox that says how many tickets to print and hit print-the line moves up on the screen and says the same wrong number that I just corrected- - I correct the little grey box again and hit print again and then with this second attempt we are finally in business. UGGG!

I can only use auto print for first times in style markdowns. And at that there is a pregnant pause to wait for the ticket to come out. And at that I can't scan the next item and get another/next needed yellow ticket until the first has trickled out of the printer. Much slower than MyWork even with good batteries and the newer printers. UGGG!

System in MyWork was:""auto print on" Double beep and print one ticket for every and ONLY a scanned item in the CURRENT WEEK'S WORKLOAD.... not every single cotten-pickin time you scan a clearance item that wasn't going down again.

This is making my Price Change Work Load take 30% or better longer when I have no time to spare.

Style does not have the luxury of just thowing up a yellow clearance label on the shelf and walking away. We have to ticket every single piece.
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Okay, I recreated the capacity thing, if you open capacity and then scan another item, the X no longer works, and if you hit the back button it navigates back on the screen behind the capacity pop-up. Not the end of the world. It's user error that I keep encountering it.

I HAVE TO turn the auto print off for scanning existing style clearance aka further and final. If I set the auto print to "on" the printer will print a ticket for every single item that is scanned whether it is in the current workload and needs to be ticketed/activated or not (in other words activated previously or in previous week).
'Auto print on" all the time leads to double counting items and screwing up counts I think. AP does not love the salvage not found metrics if I counted one item twice and only salvage it once - - or sell only one of the imaginary now multiples on the floor. Those imaginary counts/printed tickets twice for one product up as shortage in during inventory.
Thus having to stop and hit that little print button on the zebra screen every time I want a ticket for further and final is a giant pain and interuptionand slows down progress. It is also a giant pain to have to correct the little tiny grey box that says how many tickets to print everytime in that process as well. Sometimes I have to try to correct the little tiny greybox that says how many tickets to print and hit print-the line moves up on the screen and says the same wrong number that I just corrected- - I correct the little grey box again and hit print again and then with this second attempt we are finally in business. UGGG!

I can only use auto print for first times in style markdowns. And at that there is a pregnant pause to wait for the ticket to come out. And at that I can't scan the next item and get another/next needed yellow ticket until the first has trickled out of the printer. Much slower than MyWork even with good batteries and the newer printers. UGGG!

System in MyWork was:""auto print on" Double beep and print one ticket for every and ONLY a scanned item in the CURRENT WEEK'S WORKLOAD.... not every single cotten-pickin time you scan a clearance item that wasn't going down again.

This is making my Price Change Work Load take 30% or better longer when I have no time to spare.

Style does not have the luxury of just thowing up a yellow clearance label on the shelf and walking away. We have to ticket every single piece.
This. I absolutely hate the fact that if it isn’t part of the workload for the current week, it’ll print out a damn ticket anyway. When I scan my clearance racks, I scan everything because it ends up being quicker than trying to play the game of “where is this item... where is that item.”

I miss the old logic in myWork and prior versions.

I saw this TikTok of a workaround for bad UX in Walmarts software. But it's quite funny how myDay has the same problem and you can use the EXACT same workaround. (Clicking print twice before the dialog disappears.) HQ and Home Office were really on the same wavelengths here.

I saw this TikTok of a workaround for bad UX in Walmarts software. But it's quite funny how myDay has the same problem and you can use the EXACT same workaround. (Clicking print twice before the dialog disappears.) HQ and Home Office were really on the same wavelengths here.

I’ve been doing that since printing in myDay rolled out to chain. But I should not have to. I should be asked if I want more. Man I miss the PDAs sometimes... or often times....
This. I absolutely hate the fact that if it isn’t part of the workload for the current week, it’ll print out a damn ticket anyway. When I scan my clearance racks, I scan everything because it ends up being quicker than trying to play the game of “where is this item... where is that item.”

I miss the old logic in myWork and prior versions.
Yup! Scan everything with the “auto print” off and then keep tapping the screen to tell how many tickets you need. Sometimes it indicates I may have say “3” of something I scan ....but in the hanging clearance block ? Do we really think that those “3” are all there hanging together - next to each other????
Well no! Let’s stop to type in “1” ticket needed three separate times
Help me!
What? How?

When you scan an item, down where it gives you options to Fill, Print, Item Detail there is now Markdown. Works just like Rewrap in myWork. This is in the latest version of myDay....1.9 I think.

ALSO has the ability to backstock from the Scan Item page! 🤩

And has Check Dates function on Home screen as well as Add Expiration on the Scan Item page.
When you scan an item, down where it gives you options to Fill, Print, Item Detail there is now Markdown. Works just like Rewrap in myWork. This is in the latest version of myDay....1.9 I think.

ALSO has the ability to backstock from the Scan Item page! 🤩

And has Check Dates function on Home screen as well as Add Expiration on the Scan Item page.
I def have not seen any of that for my store so must be staggered roll out.
What’s left before myHelp and myWork can be retired fully?

Defects and Mispicks from myWork and being able to open tickets from myHelp? I saw they recently added the device status from myHelp into myDay.

I can’t think of any other things besides those that myDay still doesn’t have
What’s left before myHelp and myWork can be retired fully?

Defects and Mispicks from myWork and being able to open tickets from myHelp? I saw they recently added the device status from myHelp into myDay.

I can’t think of any other things besides those that myDay still doesn’t have
Salesfloor / Backroom / ePick Cart / Hold Location Management
@mobileFellow @HQWireless

Possible bug or oversight but I cannot print a 4x11 (and possibly 7x11) sign at regular price if that item is currently on sale.

I need to print reg. price point for displays during transitions. (Tvs, strollers, etc)

For ex. I get 2 options for 4x11. One with and w/o the sale week date next to it. When I print both, they both came out on sale.

Only other way I can print is if wait for it to stop going on sale. But this can also be a problem because TV are always going on sale.

This issue has existed for over a year now but I want to bring it up again.
My region got the backstock button and markdown options on the scan screen but I was disappointed not to see the Check Dates/Add Expiration features rolled out to my region yet.

Still very welcome changes that I won’t complain about. MyDay is slowly starting to get that UX polish and becoming more feature complete.
@HQWireless I have a bug report for you.

The markdown function,
I was using it tonight on my discontinues printing repack stickers. I ran into a issue. If I told it to print anymore then 2. It would only print a random amount between 2 and the number I entered.

Tonight I entered 10 on how many to print. And I got wildly different amounts each time. 6 was the largest amount that came out. It never printed all 10.

I'll get you a video tommorow night if I remember.

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