Maybe you used a zebra that didn't get an update?I saw that one day then the next day it was gone
Maybe you used a zebra that didn't get an update?I saw that one day then the next day it was gone
They need to have pos auto print missed salvage like it used toI noticed they added a "missed salvage" option for damaging things out. It was needed.
And glad it automatically fills in quantity as 1 for items that you can only do one at a time.
Nothing. But I’d rather have POS automatically do it for me when a guest returns an item that’s missed salvage like it used to.What's wrong with processing missed salvage through price change? It's easy.
Serial number overrides will not be a thing. If you have items that don’t have a serial number but new pos is asking for one please report the item through the myDay chatbot to get the item data corrected. Overriding serial numbers is not something we should do any longer.Something else I noticed is that you can do returns on salvaged items now! The kicker is that its at a reduced rate. I think (I could be wrong) it's gonna be based on how long it has been salvaged. Like its like 5 dollars for a 20 dollar item kinda thing.
also, how do we think they're gonna handle overrides? I think for smaller overrides like serial but what do we think they're gonna do for really big stuff like a merch override or a return override. Are they gonna require a TL to login? because that would be really annoying lmao. I like how on the classic POS you could just give people perms as they need it like, electronics gets supervisor (after being properly trained), new GS tms gets GS, and well trained GS tms gets supervisor.
I don't see that kind of level system going into the new POS, as in I don't think it is possible with the way it is being handled now.
Tell the DC to stop putting stickers over the TV serial numbers then.Overriding serial numbers is not something we should do any longer.
also oops I thought this was the POS thread.Serial number overrides will not be a thing. If you have items that don’t have a serial number but new pos is asking for one please report the item through the myDay chatbot to get the item data corrected. Overriding serial numbers is not something we should do any longer.
As for other overrides, I am assuming things such as merch card overrides will fall under the make it right category and will no longer require any override and any team member can complete that change.
most other overrides will be fully removed as the POS should be the one to make the correct call on whether something is allowed or not.
anything further direct the guest to call guest relations
I think that’s a problem with your register. The sensor that decided if the till is open or not might need replacing. I’ve had a similar problem with one of the registers in electronics but it’s only that register.Also still haven’t fixed the big where the change due screen just disappears!
Possibly, but I’ve heard from front end that it happens on their registers too. Also I think I’ve had it happen on both tech registers which seems unlikely to be a bad sensor. I’ll have to verify that.I think that’s a problem with your register. The sensor that decided if the till is open or not might need replacing. I’ve had a similar problem with one of the registers in electronics but it’s only that register.
I know target already has the code to create auto tickets. I was looking at the help section in myDay and looked at the store tickets and found that my tech register scanned a serial number that has already been registered. would take them less than an hour to port that code to create a myDay ticket for serials.What they should do is allow for serial override… ask why you’re doing it and automatically create a ticket in myday for investigation
No, if it was overridden at sale or otherwise not attached (happens sometimes with online returns), it just won't ask us to scan.I haven't been at GS enough to know how the POS reacts to incorrect serials but if it was overridden in the original sale do you have to override it in the return of the item?
HQ dudes, PLEASE fix this soon. It's killing my team having to deal with this.omg there is this bug with 141s that are driving me up the roof today. If you start pulling and say lock your device it freaks out and says “pull complete”
Sometimes when I unlock my Zebra it would say something like "count successfully updated", and I'm like "uhhhh I didn't do anything".omg there is this bug with 141s that are driving me up the roof today. If you start pulling and say lock your device it freaks out and says “pull complete”
with this said I think the audit could honestly be really good!My opinion is things were turning out fine with MyDay. However, it's been very sluggish for about the past month, freezes up a lot, and lots of hangs, which means lots of app and zebra restarts. Did someone already talk about the glitch during the audit where it won't update the SFQ and OH for the item you see on the screen until you scan it? Meaning it always shows the numbers of the last thing you scanned, and it can make it seem like the recent item showing has those SFQ's and OH's. Still, it really doesn't show you the correct numbers until you scan the item, and if you can't find the item and zero it out, then the next item in your batch will STILL SHOW the SFQ's and OH's of the last thing you scanned, even if it was 20 items before your current LOL! After re-reading this may be hard to follow so please press me for more details if needed.
Mine does that when I’m going into split screen mode and accidentally touch myDay instead of RFIDM or Bluetooth. Have to back all the way back out of the app for it to work normal again.Sometimes when I unlock my Zebra it would say something like "count successfully updated", and I'm like "uhhhh I didn't do anything".
not entirely but I think it prioritizes the exact first. Like, let's say it wants to be to pull 3 cameras. it checks to see if any loc has exactly 3 cameras first and if it does it sends you there first. other than that I believe it goes.When you are doing a 1 for 1 and there is an item in the back with multiple locations, does anyone know how the system decides which location to send you to?
You just use it to print the shelf/peg labels. It is not intended to be tied. There is a separate non LBL pog that is the one you tie. Are you saying there are no dpci's on the line listing?Anyone know what label pog does in set page? It's blank when I click on it.