Archived National Falls Sale Meeting

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Heard some interesting things at huddle regarding Flow.

Apparently, DCs are going to attempt to palletize product before it goes on the truck according to whatever custom blocks we have.
And apparently bulk areas (water, some paper, etc) might have their basedecks removed and we'll simply place pallets there instead of filling shelves from the back.


That's funny that SPOT requires the stores to make massive changes, yet is unwilling to do so at the DC.


I've seen the equivalent of a full pallet of Gatorade split up over several pallets. Think about how much time (Payroll) we could save if we could roll a pallet of just Gatorade off the truck and straight to the correct aisle.

What can RDCs do better to help stores? | Page 2 | The Break Room

Posted: jenna, Mar 20, 2015
Nobody performs for free. At cost maybe. The cost of transport, lodging etc. However the even bigger costs is flying everybody from STL and up plus others there, food and lodging for a week and the flying them back all 13000 of them. If you do not think that cost effects profits and thus payroll you fooling yourself.
The costs of the meeting have nothing to do with the performers. All I said was the performers are not paid. Chill.

And YES they perform for free.
So Target gets to sell these "exclusive" CDs that guests can only get at Target, AND they get free live performances? What do the artists get out of it? What's to stop them from just saying "I'll let Best Buy do the exclusive CD instead and not do any free performances at all."
Because Best Buy will ask for the same thing also. It's a standard practice.
I see that as the pallets will actually be sorted by section on the truck and won't have to be done through the onload. That sounds pretty awesome to me.

Some Walmarts have been doing this for years.
From another thread:
A big focus on the Fall Focus Meeting was how badly Target is losing talent. BTS on ETL's company wide was red. First time in a very long the take away was that Target needs to start keeping talent. Stress that you run a green process wherever you're put, but you're not happy with GE. Doesn't fall within your strengths, outside of your comfortability, bad work life balance, etc. If you're valuable to the district, your DTL should be bending over backwards to keep you.

@RetailWorld, Today at 1:46 AM
From another thread:
A big focus on the Fall Focus Meeting was how badly Target is losing talent. BTS on ETL's company wide was red. First time in a very long the take away was that Target needs to start keeping talent. Stress that you run a green process wherever you're put, but you're not happy with GE. Doesn't fall within your strengths, outside of your comfortability, bad work life balance, etc. If you're valuable to the district, your DTL should be bending over backwards to keep you.

@RetailWorld, Today at 1:46 AM

This has been mentioned before... There is not much "talent" in many of the new ETLs. Like my avatar says.. Ive forgotten more than many young ETLs know. Promote your long tenured TLs. They will perform better. Many of these ETLs get a year at Target, then take that so-called experience and their degree elsewhere.
I'd love to know how much money Target hemorrhages in turnover & retraining.
You've got long-timers that are steeped in company culture whose career & enthusiasm may have stalled but could be jump-started thru a promotion.
Those vets who are set in their ways & resistant to change? Maybe they've been ignored for so long they don't see the point in adapting any more.
If newbies see hard-working long-timers languishing, what incentive is there for them to work hard & learn when it's much easier to be a suck-up?
A good company manages their talent; a GREAT company rewards it.
I'd love to know how much money Target hemorrhages in turnover & retraining.

There were some numbers mentioned, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. It was something ridiculously high that hasn't been seen in a long time. What gets me though is that while there was an acknowledgement of high turnover, there was no mention of "why" there is high turnover. They just stated "We'll be looking into why people are leaving and try to fix it"

The new "VIBE/Because of You" rollout is the first response....trying to improve team member engagement and making sure they feel appreciated.

But...let's be real. People are miserable because we don't have enough resources to do our jobs. TL's now have the same workload as an ETL 5 years ago with less resources to get the same job done and ETLs have less partners and are spread incredibly thin across the store. Corporate is either too oblivious to the current store situation, or they just don't want to admit to needing to dump more money into stores to keep them happy.
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