Archived Need serious advice

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We had it with higher ups, and the person of higher rank got fired while the lower rank got transferred. Doesn't make a ton of sense to fire a TM when the inappropriateness stems from a boss dating someone that works for them, according to the rules and special treatment issue, the higher ranked employee is always at fault for such an affair.

And really? They fucked it up for themselves. It's 2019, and everyone knows if you want a boss/coworker relationship without tons of sexual harassment/favoritism issues, someone's going to have to leave. A big company isn't going to put themselves at risk for something like that.
Leave it alone, perhaps? The appropriate people will take care of it: STL, AP, ETL-HR. If they’re professional, and respect either party, everything will be handled quickly and quietly. There won’t be an announcement over the comms about what happened, who got fired, etc, much to your disappointment. Clock in, do your work, clock out; if you’re truly a good worker, you’ll get noticed. Do you really want to get noticed for exposing two people? Good luck having friendly chats with people at work if you call this in. You’ll be shut out, guaranteed.
It could be that this was not just about sex, and the appropriate response was to get everyone out of a hierarchy situation by releasing the lower level person, not just fire both and let the heads roll. I heard of situations involving larger salaries where husbands and wives have had to lie about their marital status to keep working in the same company. Some apparently pull it off until a new job with sufficient salary and location opens up, some get "busted" when rumors of an affair start and they need to reveal the relationship to negate punishment for inappropriate behavior.
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