Archived New Brand Set

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May 22, 2018
So next week the TL at my store scheduled me and another tm to come in on Monday and Tuesday to set up the new brand Orignal Use and Wild Fable we’re both fairly new and weren’t here when they set up A New Day and Goodfellow what should we expect and what are we going to do and how do I prepare(is there a guide on Workbench?)
For A New Day, JoyLab, and GoodFellow, I remember having to wear black "New At Target" shirts, getting to wear an A New Day outfit for the week of the launch to drive sales, the LOD (SBTL) was supposed to wear GoodFellow on his LOD days that week. The set should be the morning before the street date for the merchandise if it's anything like my store, which means you'd be scheduled before store open to set the merchandise. The VML or a SLTL should be there for sure to help.
For A New Day, JoyLab, and GoodFellow, I remember having to wear black "New At Target" shirts, getting to wear an A New Day outfit for the week of the launch to drive sales, the LOD (SBTL) was supposed to wear GoodFellow on his LOD days that week. The set should be the morning before the street date for the merchandise if it's anything like my store, which means you'd be scheduled before store open to set the merchandise. The VML or a SLTL should be there for sure to help.
Thank you
Thank you

Usually there's a book to follow called a VMG (usually one for each dept. and also viewable from your phone if you have the link) It will have pictures of the new brand set showing the general look and where certain clothes go. Some stores may vary, but follow the map that best work with your store or ask your TL. Don't worry about it being exactly like in the picture, work with what you got.

1. Find location brand will set.
2. Place fixtures (moveable walls, tables, racks, convertibles) where they should go.
3. Remove all merch. not part of brand and move them somewhere else.
4. Put up/move around whatever fixtures to hold the clothes like shelves, waterfalls, faceouts to hold your clothes/accessories.
5. Start stocking your new brand merch.

A lot of times, you don't always have enough fixtures or space for fixtures to put your clothes according to VMG, so place it where you think looks good and makes sense.

It's also a good idea to get with your signing tm if there's any signs that should go up or down. For instance, the pink New Day banner from the ceiling should be removed.
For A New Day, JoyLab, and GoodFellow, I remember having to wear black "New At Target" shirts, getting to wear an A New Day outfit for the week of the launch to drive sales, the LOD (SBTL) was supposed to wear GoodFellow on his LOD days that week. The set should be the morning before the street date for the merchandise if it's anything like my store, which means you'd be scheduled before store open to set the merchandise. The VML or a SLTL should be there for sure to help.
Oh god, I have to find where I put my shirts.

I didn't know Monday is the big day.
The official set date for new brand is August 3rd, but apparently my store is already setting their's. They said it's not street dated so...
ours is still monday but the VMTL and I started fixture blocking and moving things around to get ready for Monday and I got a New at Target black shirt today so yay.
So have you set Wild Fable yet? What do you think? I like it. I think it will be a good seller. I know my teenaged daughters will be really into it, especially the basics pieces.
All the Wild Fable is coming to my store with a set date of 7-29. No street date so it can go out anytime. I'm sorry but I do not like the clothes. I saw 1 item a red and black ( buffalo plaid) jacket that I would check out. We have, so far 6 z racks. I was so busy detrashing I didn't have time to look at everything, but imho, it was cheap looking and street corner worthy. To each his own!
All the Wild Fable is coming to my store with a set date of 7-29. No street date so it can go out anytime. I'm sorry but I do not like the clothes. I saw 1 item a red and black ( buffalo plaid) jacket that I would check out. We have, so far 6 z racks. I was so busy detrashing I didn't have time to look at everything, but imho, it was cheap looking and street corner worthy. To each his own!

Wild Fable is supposed to be Clueless inspired according to the training. It’s supposed to be an homage to 90’s fashion. We got the yellow plaid jacket skirt combo that my TL is going to be wearing over the weekend
Do we really need the 90s to come back, fashion-wise? I think not.

Of course we do !!!! That's the beauty of fashion...... it's cyclical !!!! I loved, loved, loved the fashion from the late 80's -90's ! I was totally (like, totally.... whatever) in my element !!!! The product is adorable..... and, for those that say it's cheap quality: IT IS CHEAP !!!! It's supposed to be cheap..... it's disposable Trend clothing. That's what the Junior consumer wants. She's gonna wear it once, maybe twice and forget it's in the closet; cuz she's onto the next Trend. If I was younger..... I'd be buying that stuff !!! 😛
So today I saw the jeans with the zipper on side from ankle to waist. I couldn't unzip them fast enough to see how high it went. It unzipped to the crotch. This is trendy fashion wearing unzipped pant legs. I can't wait to see how this sells in my store.
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