Archived New call out rules?

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Ya know I didnt even think of it as intimidation. We asked if neither the stl or our etl were in what to do and our hr said come in anyway and the lod would decide if we need to go home. So the question is what do you do try and call out anyway?

Where the fuck did they get their MD? Fuck No..
I'd have come in & thrown up on their shoes; should shut that down quick.

We had a gsa do this recently to one of our etls. No one would cover her and the lod wouldnt let her go home. So she spent her whole shift running to the bathroom. She looked like hell and numerous guests made comments about the fact.

We all felt it wsd pretty messed up we have had nights with no gsa or gstl before there was no reason to make her do that.
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Is that a snapchat thing? I thought the whole point of snapchat is the messages don't last very long? Clearly, I'm out of touch. I didn't think the kidz theze dayz used FB...

/hobbles back to lawn chair
They don't so much. I'm older than you, so maybe we need a young 'un here to clarify 🙄
Sending a snap to someone personally goes away either after 10 seconds or until they close out of the picture to respond to it. Posting a Snapchat on your story is like making a post for all of your followers/friends to see and that goes away after 24 hours 🙂
Snapchat is the favored communication method of the post-Millenial generation (name?) least for *my* teenagers.
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