Archived New ETL

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Mar 15, 2013
I'm going to be joining Target soon as an ETL - Operations. From talking to the STL/DTL and reading posts on here, I have a pretty good idea what the other ETLs do (HL, SL, GE, LOG, HR, AP) but I haven't been able to get a ton of info about the OPS role. Can anybody who is an ETL - OPS or works in a store with one, please share more insight on what the ETL - OPS responsibilities are?
Our ETL-AP just switched stores to a non-Super-T store to become an ETL-Ops. From what he and the other ETL's told me is that the ETL-Ops is a position in stores that are struggling in their scores and "brand-ness". It's the only store around me that I know of with this position, it sounds like a lot of work but if you do your job well you should get high praise. I work at a Super-T and we don't have this position.
According to Target Careers website. "Oversee pricing, merchandising, backroom and cash office teams".
Thanks for the replies... anyone else know anything?

From the little I know, ETL-Ops are only put in high risk stores, and the store is having issues with their processes and operations. The one I'm going to be in is high volume, but not a Super-T and no overnight hours, but I'll still have LOD shifts like the other ETLs. I'm sure I'll learn more either in business college or from my trainer, but I wanted to get some more insight before I officially don the red and khaki.
Been through a bunch of OPS, along with most other stores in our district. High volume, high risk - typical in urbans. They are the ETL over the Backroom team, Instocks team, and Pricing Team for all of the ones I have seen. Work on filling the floor (Instocks), keeping the backroom running smoothly (Backroom/Receiving&Reverse LOG), and working to get clearance out of the back and labeled/pulled appropriately (Pricing). You will do LOD shifts like any other ETL, and handle those daily things just as they would. There really is minimal difference these days between ETLs in terms of what they do/have to do/are required to do aside from Overnight ETLs vs AP ETLs vs All Other ETLs. The difference is what teams you are personally responsible for and how you drive your own teams and interact with your TLs.
Thanks for the replies guys. Another question, for tuition reimbursement for ETLs... do I have to work a certain amount of time before I am eligible or am I eligible immediately? Also, what is the maximum $ amount Target will reimburse for MBA tuition each year?
ETL-Ops focus is to lead the areas that are higher risk for shortage or that can have an adverse affect on the bottom line. This typically includes at least: pricing, safety, and reverse logisitics. There have not been a lot of these jobs in the past, but with recent changes to org charts, these will be more prevalent. In the past Target ran a "High Risk Stores Program", but this was recently changes to better allocate resources to more stores.

It should be a great job and I hope you really enjoy!
Thanks for the replies guys. Another question, for tuition reimbursement for ETLs... do I have to work a certain amount of time before I am eligible or am I eligible immediately? Also, what is the maximum $ amount Target will reimburse for MBA tuition each year?

Tuition reimbursement should be least it was 5 years ago when I did my MBA. At that time it was about $5200 per year, and did not cover books. You have to get at least a B in the class to be reimbursed for Master's level classes. The money is reimbursed until you hit that yearly limit and then rolls into the next year. Therefore, if your degree is going to cost $25000, you will be the $5k a year for the next 5 years, even if you finish in 2 years. This is also predicated on that fact that you still work for Target each of those year.

It is a bit confusing, so I hope that all makes sense.
So a quick question. Say one was a TL getting tuition reimbursement but hit the yearly cap. Then gets promoted to ETL before the next year. Does the reimbursement still roll over to the next year?
So a quick question. Say one was a TL getting tuition reimbursement but hit the yearly cap. Then gets promoted to ETL before the next year. Does the reimbursement still roll over to the next year?

As long as you are still with the company, you will get the payout until all reimbursable costs are reimbursed (hmmm..hope that sentence makes sense). Simply put, yes that person will still get reimbursed. However, it does not re-start the payouts. It is the same amount for TLs as it is for ETLs.
You realize this means I'll be making all sorts of CIA/La Femme Nikita jokes at your expense, right?
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