Archived New Face on the Floor

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Jun 26, 2017
Hey, folks! I just got hired by Target and will begin my orientation sometime in the next week or two followed by training! I'm in Electronics, so, anyone have any tips for a totally new TM as far as what I can likely expect during Orientation, training and so on? Great to be here! Glad there's such a wonderful unofficial community around this store!

Hey there!

Orientation will just be your intro to the store, the guidelines that target expects you to follow, a tour of the store, and piles of paperwork.

Training is a mix of computer training (Which i oddly never got as Hardlines) which your HR will walk you through and hands-on training with an experienced electronics TM for the daily grind.

After orientation and training it all becomes a day-by-day situation. One day you could be zoning the whole day or the next you're helping set end-caps and aisles.

If you've got any specific questions feel free to post em here and I can do my best to help you out.

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Much obliged for that, PaleIrishmen! If anything else pops up I'll be sure to post about it!
Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room.

Enjoy the ride.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Just realized my post said "don't feel free to post em here". I apologize! was 12:30 am and I had an extremely long day yesterday.
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