Archived New family leave?

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May 14, 2015
Anyone else hear in the news about targets revamped family leave and childcare benefits? Just saw in the news, but wondering if anyone has any info on it.
This is an amazing benefit. I wish I could have used it. 19 years of unpaid FML. . . 4 weeks pay would have been some help in relieving the stress of trying to pay bills, dealing with a few leaders with no idea of the stress and calling approved FML "absences", having average hours constantly reduced to the point of losing benefits (including reduced vacation accrual and ability to use vacation pay above those average hours), and having a very sick child.
This is an amazing benefit. I wish I could have used it. 19 years of unpaid FML. . . 4 weeks pay would have been some help in relieving the stress of trying to pay bills, dealing with a few leaders with no idea of the stress and calling approved FML "absences", having average hours constantly reduced to the point of losing benefits (including reduced vacation accrual and ability to use vacation pay above those average hours), and having a very sick child.

Those of us forced to work 64 hours a week for months straight because half the key uses and abuses FMLA don't feel too bad for you. Boohoo.
I'm a big girl. He/she can't make me feel any worse about my child's death. Have at it if it makes you feel bigger. If there is a problem with abuse of FML, then if you're a leader you have a responsibility to address it. If you are not, it's none of your business unless you have proof that you take to your leader. You don't know what you don't know. I stand by my statement that this is an amazing benefit.
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I'm a big girl. He/she can't make me feel any worse about my child's death. Have at it if it makes you feel bigger. If there is a problem with abuse of FML, then if you're a leader you have a responsibility to address it. If you are not, it's none of your business unless you have proof that you take to your leader. You don't know what you don't know. I stand by my statement that this is an amazing benefit.
Sorry for your loss.
I don't care if you are a compassionless douchebag, just go sell it some place else.
Feel free to ban me then, fuckbag. Big fucking loss lol. Stroke that e-peen some more. I did nothing to break any rules. I'm sorry that at the stores you have to work a massive 20 hours a week and can't even begin to comprehend what a DC is like.
Feel free to ban me then, fuckbag. Big fucking loss lol. Stroke that e-peen some more. I did nothing to break any rules. I'm sorry that at the stores you have to work a massive 20 hours a week and can't even begin to comprehend what a DC is like.
Dude, if it’s so hard and you hate it as much as it seems, then leave! No need to be a dick to a parent who lost a child because you don’t have any.

Are there people that take advantage of FMLA, sure! “My ankle hurts” so they get preferred job functions, that will happen at any job. Obviously that is not the case here. Too bad there isn’t a block button for a holes like you.
Dude, if it’s so hard and you hate it as much as it seems, then leave! No need to be a dick to a parent who lost a child because you don’t have any.

Are there people that take advantage of FMLA, sure! “My ankle hurts” so they get preferred job functions, that will happen at any job. Obviously that is not the case here. Too bad there isn’t a block button for a holes like you.
Click their name, and then click ignore.
Feel free to ban me then, fuckbag. Big fucking loss lol. Stroke that e-peen some more. I did nothing to break any rules. I'm sorry that at the stores you have to work a massive 20 hours a week and can't even begin to comprehend what a DC is like.

Aww look, the pile of garbage is talking again. Always stinks the place up when you forget to take it out.
I wish mine would only be 40! But you only have to average 19.5 for the benefit.
The HR director said I would have to get my average up to qualify for parental leave, however, I am at 15.2 currently. So to be able to raise an average from 15.2 to 19.5, I would have to start getting 25-30 hours consistently, and that’s not happening with 4 or 5 four hour shifts a week.
It’s also a lot easier to lower an average than to raise it. So if I ever dip below that 19.5 hours just one week, I’ll technically never bring the average up.
Feel free to ban me then, fuckbag. Big fucking loss lol. Stroke that e-peen some more. I did nothing to break any rules. I'm sorry that at the stores you have to work a massive 20 hours a week and can't even begin to comprehend what a DC is like.

Ask and it shall be given to you.
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The HR director said I would have to get my average up to qualify for parental leave, however, I am at 15.2 currently. So to be able to raise an average from 15.2 to 19.5, I would have to start getting 25-30 hours consistently, and that’s not happening with 4 or 5 four hour shifts a week.
Hit up the swap shift board like a junkie looking for a fix I have a few TMs that are never scheduled more than 18-25/week yet they always get 37-39.8 hours every week. Don’t wanna get carts when it’s hot? Someone will. Don’t want to do ad on Sunday morning? Someone will. Don’t want to be a closing cashier on a Friday night with a full moon? Someone will. Don’t want to answer the phone when you see Target calling? I don’t either. But I do check the voicemail and if it’s for hours I call right back and say yes I’ll be there. And just ask if you can stay later, you’d be surprised how often Leaders will day yes. Show a desire to be there and it will be noticed.
Hit up the swap shift board like a junkie looking for a fix I have a few TMs that are never scheduled more than 18-25/week yet they always get 37-39.8 hours every week. Don’t wanna get carts when it’s hot? Someone will. Don’t want to do ad on Sunday morning? Someone will. Don’t want to be a closing cashier on a Friday night with a full moon? Someone will. Don’t want to answer the phone when you see Target calling? I don’t either. But I do check the voicemail and if it’s for hours I call right back and say yes I’ll be there. And just ask if you can stay later, you’d be surprised how often Leaders will day yes. Show a desire to be there and it will be noticed.
This is the best answer there is. I started as Flow. Showed a willingness to grab every single crappy cashier shift there was (sometimes working 4-11am, then 3-11pm, then coming in the next day at 4am again. Begging to be cross trained everywhere possible. By the end of my store career I was the go to guy for everything. Flow, Food team, SFS, OPU, Backroom, Casheiring, POG, Carts, Guest Service, Hardlines, Softlines (infants and mens). I was the bike builder even lol. Show you want to learn and eventually they will give it all to you. I was routinely at 39.5 even in the worst times when everyone else was scheduled less than 10.
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