Archived New line of clothing for team members?

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Can I get pairs of Womens Khaki cargo pants with loops or pockets on the thighs for my Mydevice and knife that are not skinny or low rise? Pockets that actually hold a phone or keys? Cause most womens pants target sells won't hold a fucking Chapstick!

Amen. I actually lost a chapstick last week because of the pocket situation (I never lose chapstick lol). The front pockets were fake and the back ones everything slides up out of if/when you bend or sit. I don't usually buy khakis from Target but I ripped 4 pairs within a week and just happened to catch some denim sales. I got a beige high rise skinny (figured I could at least bend if the rise was high) and the beige jegging from the Jean wall. Haate that jegging. It's not practical or cute on me but it was like $10.
Amen. I actually lost a chapstick last week because of the pocket situation (I never lose chapstick lol). The front pockets were fake and the back ones everything slides up out of if/when you bend or sit. I don't usually buy khakis from Target but I ripped 4 pairs within a week and just happened to catch some denim sales. I got a beige high rise skinny (figured I could at least bend if the rise was high) and the beige jegging from the Jean wall. Haate that jegging. It's not practical or cute on me but it was like $10.

I just can't with jeggings, I have a couple of Mossimo Black skinny ones cause they fit into boots really well, but they still suck to just wear.. HAVE to wear a belt and they just loose shape from the relax of the elastic badly in a few hours..
Watching the red shop over the years versus wholesale costs on those items without imprints I don't hold out much for affordable. The margin to slap a target logo on a t-shirt is nuts. Hubby is able to order them way cheaper. He wanted me to order the softshell jacket til he saw the price.

I did love the stipled bullseye, and I caught a ASL logo it looked like. If they don't come unisex or in 3/4 sleeve I'd be down to grab them.
Amen! I am so sick of the 1/8th of an inch pocket depth or better yet, faux pockets. Hello. Women do work, guys. And we sweat, so we’re not not looking for cardigans, FFS. Yes, I want to look nice, but I also have real shit to do. I’m not just standing around.

Secret about those pockets, often there is some pocket material there, around three inches depth (yeah I know, still not a lot), and there is a single line of stitching closing it off that doesn't quite go all the way across. You remove that line of stitching, you have your pocket. Usually I use a seam ripper but one time I simply worked a finger into the tiny side gap and ripped the thread with my fingers.
And some of those 'faux pockets' are simply stitched shut for display purpose (& to keep people from stashing something while trying them on).
If there's a pocket inside, as Jenna said, take a ripper or pull a thread loose & open the pocket up.

True on all counts, something I do look for but even then the depth isn't there. My S7 is huge for the pockets in most womens pants. And it's not a big phone. I don't even case it. And the front ones won't hold my keys and they are no bigger than three chapsticks layed side by side.
Kohl’s, Old Navy, JC Penney’s for all your Target needs.
I bought a pair is Mossimo khakis’s, worn them maybe 2 times in my 2 years cause I rather wear bell bottoms than have high water khakis like I’m expecting a pipe to burst. They’re my “oh no, I’m out of khakis, do I have time to wash, maybe, can I get away with black pants, depends on who is my closing LOD, oh STL nope never mind, MOSSIMO IT IS” pants.
True on all counts, something I do look for but even then the depth isn't there. My S7 is huge for the pockets in most womens pants. And it's not a big phone. I don't even case it. And the front ones won't hold my keys and they are no bigger than three chapsticks layed side by side.
I ended up ordering a case with clip for my 7 edge. It will fit in the new mydevices pocket on their holster as well.
I want mandatory kilts for all. Regimental rules 😉

As long as I can wear my Blackwatch I am good.. And yes I can wear it from family lines 🙂 Or the I like the pride of Scotland just cause the colors are cool. Not saying what my family tartan is since it is one that isn't common, really easy to figure out who I am by it..

@signingminion I have the Active so a case is kinda a waste.. And the edge while pretty, the keyboard can get screwy with the way the screen curves on some things. 🙂 It's pretty though.
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Must be I'm in the minority about this. Jeans are too warm, I'd much rather wear khakis. I shop at thrift stores and rarely pay more than a few bucks for perfectly wearable shirts and pants. And one of my fellow TMs gives me her hand-me-downs when she cleans out her closet. ;-)
Must be I'm in the minority about this. Jeans are too warm, I'd much rather wear khakis. I shop at thrift stores and rarely pay more than a few bucks for perfectly wearable shirts and pants. And one of my fellow TMs gives me her hand-me-downs when she cleans out her closet. ;-)

I wear women's Dickies work pants, my jeans are not much of a difference.
Must be I'm in the minority about this. Jeans are too warm

Depends on the pants/jeans you wear. I don't personally feel a difference as far as warmth, but maybe I'm choosing hotter fabrics for my khakis

I just look better in my jeans which is why i prefer them lol

Same. Every time denim week/s comes around, everyone who participates looks cuter in their jeans than in khakis. Honestly I just buy whatever khakis are cheap. Whenever I'm buying khakis I'm either in the midst of a rain or laundry emergency... Or I ripped another pair so not much effort in my look lately
I'd kill to wear literally anything darker than khakis back at cafe. Even with my apron I get noticeable stains all over them from popcorn butter to leaking BIB syrup... I feel like I'm wearing such dirty clothes every time I come into my area.
I'd kill to wear literally anything darker than khakis back at cafe. Even with my apron I get noticeable stains all over them from popcorn butter to leaking BIB syrup... I feel like I'm wearing such dirty clothes every time I come into my area.
I wore black pants often at're allowed, and it's a lifesaver because of all the grease. Do it; if anyone says anything, direct them to the TM handbook that clearly states you can wear ANY solid color as long as it's not leggings/jeans.
Lol nobody at my store knows anything. Ever.
Everyone even the girls want the red sports coat. Its pretty cute for "red and khaki" [line is called that]. The pants are supposed to have a zebra and box knife pocket plus radio clip. Im down to buy it.
You have a link for that?
why aren't we supporting our own team members?
Because the brands sucked and wore out fast. They still mostly do.
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