Archived New process coming to Receiving?

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I finally got the information on the new app. It has rolled out on the MyDevice but it isn't activated yet. But I just received a box with a tag on the side saying it is for a Reverse Logistics rollout. There are new clips I haven't seen before and a few other things. I tried looking on workbench for information but couldn't find anything. Does any have any info on what this might be?
What clips are they? I know we just got Recall clips after the romaine fiasco (stores that were supposed to hold it awaiting further instructions QMOS'd it, apparently).
What clips are they? I know we just got Recall clips after the romaine fiasco (stores that were supposed to hold it awaiting further instructions QMOS'd it, apparently).
It was recall and MIR clips if I remember correctly.

We got the clips a while ago. Just some clips to better organize MIR stuff and recalled items. ReverseLogistics (the myDevice application) should come before June.

I'm betting that this box came in a while ago then and just made its way to me. I once ordered Salvage pallet forms and apparently they just sat on a shelf for about a month because no one bothered to figure out who they actually belonged to. On the tag of the box with the clips it said something about Mid May having more information, but maybe that was just referring to the receive app.
We just swapped over to the new app today and I love it. So far I haven't had any issues and I love being able to see everything I scanned in without have to print the report to see what was missed.

But I hate the new reports, not a fan of how it only updates once a day.
Have you been able to acknowledge your trucks? We can receive vendors but not our trailer
One main issue I have with this new reporting system is how it only updates once a day. I had no idea if ADSD orders I received yesterday came through properly until this morning. I had people coming back asking me why orders were still listed as unacknowledged. I wish the system would update twice a day.

And does anyone know if the PO report for things shipped UPS/Fedex will be changing over? I like keeping track of how many orders I could possibly still be waiting on, but I don't know if it will be with the new system.
As of Friday I had 3 days worth that didn’t update. It’s also a pain to still have to use the PDA to check in the freight that you can’t check in on the zebra.
One main issue I have with this new reporting system is how it only updates once a day. I had no idea if ADSD orders I received yesterday came through properly until this morning. I had people coming back asking me why orders were still listed as unacknowledged. I wish the system would update twice a day.

And does anyone know if the PO report for things shipped UPS/Fedex will be changing over? I like keeping track of how many orders I could possibly still be waiting on, but I don't know if it will be with the new system.

Our receiver was saying the same thing. I let our LOD know that today and he didn't know cause he was checking something he checked in and it hadn't updated and he thought he was losing his mind.
I'm hoping when I go in tomorrow maybe they'll have tweaked it a little bit. I don't have my hopes up, but it would be a nice surprise.
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