Don't you find it odd that only a few of the cashiers get the guests who want a REDCard? They must be really, really lucky. I hear that all the time. In reality, of course, it's because those cashiers have used the information we give them to perfect their spiel.How can people say that redcards are hit of miss and that guests don't want them? I know it's hard and you aren't going to have people fall at your feet asking for one, well maybe once in a while).
Many cashiers at my store say it's all luck, but if it's all luck then why is it that most of the redcards are gotten by the better salespeople (cashiers)
It's all in your pitch, your knowledge of how the card works and how persuasive you can be. If you haven't gotten one in approximately 75 transactions then you need to revamp your pitch.
I use the "lucky" cashiers to train the "not so lucky" cashiers. Sometimes it works, but usually the "unlucky" cashiers go back to their same, ole "Do ya wanna save 5% today? OK." That never, ever works. You'd think they'd get tired of having me harp at them how to correctly sell a card. Guess not.
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