Archived New reshop policy

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I hadn't heard of this policy, but I know that HLTL will walkie GS and ask how the reshop is looking probably every 30 minutes. My ETL-GE, when she's LOD, will make sure reshop is being dropped every 30 minutes. For the most part, the SDTMs in my store know how to work the desk and can manage it but there are times when the guests are just nonstop and the carts of unsorted reshop keep coming from the front lanes and from sales floor TMs. When it gets like that, I will let the LOD and/or HLTL know that I need help getting the reshop sorted and they will come up and help out.
I wonder if my store is starting this and if so, I will gladly tell them the same thing the rest of us GSTMs have been saying: Kiss my ass, either hire more or get the damn DTL out here to do the reshop themselves.

They tried getting us to not put full carts out, it lasted a day before I said screw it because "partnering" with the LOD was like partnering with a sack of potatos.
I don't see this working out very well in my store.

We process our reshop fairly quickly. For about a year now, all TMs would have to put away 15 items of reshop after each break and lunch. Assuming that PC and POG do their share, that's a lot of reshop that SF doesn't have to touch. Nevertheless, a basket doesn't have to go for very long before it has more than 10 items again.
If my store didn't have 6 instocks TMs who were guaranteed 40 hours by the STL, we would have the SF hours to handle all the go backs. But that's not the case.
When I was still at SD, we used carts even though we had Smart Sort bins.
We'd pull the kiddie seats open & presort stacks within the cart.
SL: we'd fold everything & stack it according to dept, baby gear went on the bottom, lingerie/intimates in the kiddie seat.
HL1: boxed toys or framed wall decor went on the bottom, domestics in the cart & small items in the kiddie seat. MME/electronics was usually in a handbasket & walked over to the boat.
HL2: Had a 3-tier for groc & a cart for non-food, cosmetics/HBA in a hand basket on top of the kiddie seat.
I'd push 'em out whenever we had a slow-down only to watch the SFTMs dump everything together.
So I stopped caring so much.
We've been doing this for quite a while. Whenever anybody in SL goes on break or meal, she's expected to pick up the reshop cart on the way back. That means that every 2 hours or less, somebody is picking up the clothing. Since the folks at the fitting room do nothing but sort and hang up clothes all day long, it's just another pile to add to the mix. Actually, we've ended up with more stuff on the floor of the fitting room if nobody's watching it for more than a couple of hours. I'm pretty sure the same policy applies to the other areas. Obviously HABA is going to be a headache and a half. But most of the other stuff can be handled - at least until the pulls start.

Flow has always been responsible for zoning, it's just not feasible so no store ever does it.
I've never heard of this. Half the time, they get their sizes reversed, starting XL to XS. We end up wasting time putting it back in proper order.
At my store the GSA or GSTL will have a cashier collect all the reshop and take it to the SD. Sometimes that cart is FULL. Way more than 10 items, that's for sure. Throw that into the mix with guest returns and SD is gonna have a hard time recovering from that!
At my store the GSA or GSTL will have a cashier collect all the reshop and take it to the SD. Sometimes that cart is FULL. Way more than 10 items, that's for sure. Throw that into the mix with guest returns and SD is gonna have a hard time recovering from that!
On top of this, at my store, we have an ETL who actively encourages the hardlines TMs to create reshop while zoning. He tells them if an item is in the wrong spot, take 3 seconds to find it, and if you can't find it, dump it in the cart to go up to guest services. We can always tell exactly where they've been zoning by the heaping carts of reshop they bring up. Bonus points if they can bring it up 10 minutes before close. He thinks that's extra funny.
So, apparently this came from the national meeting...

The new policy is no more hoarding reshop at guest services. It needs to go out in a very timely manner. We are to put no more than 10 items in a cart at a time, and no more than one cart of reshop (of 10 items) should ever be waiting to be put away. They want stuff on the shelves...not sitting around behind guest services or in carts.

After we got done laughing at the absurdity of this, we have decided with some things like HBA and stationery, we can put in one layer on the bottom of the stacking of the items. It was the only compromise we could come up with. And supposedly guest services will be walked first thing by walks and then they will check to see how much reshop the store is hiding.

I don't see this lasting, but we'll see...

Any other store following this?
I had the habit of picking up reshop at the beginning of my Salesfloor shift, everytime I returned from break/lunch, when called and at closing. Seemed timely to me.
You know what's odd... Corporate is trying to alleviate the work load by having smaller autofills and loading the truck "smarter" - but then they go and ask us to walk around the store all day constantly working on reshop - (aka no more than 10 items of reshop at Guest Service at a time.)

How is that more efficient? Than going to ONE area of the store with a cart or 1/2 a cart of reshop, and putting it all away.

"Ok team, I have 10 items of reshop - come and get it!" Team member grabs a cart with 1 DVD, 1 bottle of shampoo, 1 toy, 1 backpack, 1 curtain, 1 pair baby socks, 1 bottle of Tide, 1 drinking cup, 1 notebook, and 1 sweater.
Well if we are all doing reshop all day it will look like people work in the store. That is the goal. Not actually staffing the stores but looking like it.
Exactly! This has nothing to do with stuff sitting in bin instead of being on the floor. If they cared about stuff being on the floor, they would improve their in stocks process and give the TMs time to actually scan and stop pulling them to other work centers.

Honestly, it's not like there's a bin full of one dpci, it's a mishmash - one shampoo, one mascara, etc. I don't see that really affecting sales.
This is funny .. guess I am going to stop collecting reshop as I do price change because I can just see that I will be expected to put it all back too. Everytime I do the clearance endcaps I take a hand basket with me and will put all the regular price items in it, well I can get 20-30 items sometimes off them and I figure I am doing them a favor by cleaning it up so the guests aren't confused, but guess I will just have to leave it there!
This is funny .. guess I am going to stop collecting reshop as I do price change because I can just see that I will be expected to put it all back too. Everytime I do the clearance endcaps I take a hand basket with me and will put all the regular price items in it, well I can get 20-30 items sometimes off them and I figure I am doing them a favor by cleaning it up so the guests aren't confused, but guess I will just have to leave it there!
On top of this, at my store, we have an ETL who actively encourages the hardlines TMs to create reshop while zoning. He tells them if an item is in the wrong spot, take 3 seconds to find it, and if you can't find it, dump it in the cart to go up to guest services. We can always tell exactly where they've been zoning by the heaping carts of reshop they bring up. Bonus points if they can bring it up 10 minutes before close. He thinks that's extra funny.

My ETL-GE has a policy on reshop whenever he is the LOD... "If you haven't brought up all of your unsorted reshop by one hour until close, you own it and get to put it back up." It's fantastic, really.
My ETL-GE has a policy on reshop whenever he is the LOD... "If you haven't brought up all of your unsorted reshop by one hour until close, you own it and get to put it back up." It's fantastic, really.
Wish mine would do that, pretty tired of getting things at 9:59/10:59 after I've finally caught up and cleaned up GS.
My ETL-GE has a policy on reshop whenever he is the LOD... "If you haven't brought up all of your unsorted reshop by one hour until close, you own it and get to put it back up." It's fantastic, really.
My store does the same.
Exactly! This has nothing to do with stuff sitting in bin instead of being on the floor. If they cared about stuff being on the floor, they would improve their in stocks process and give the TMs time to actually scan and stop pulling them to other work centers.

Honestly, it's not like there's a bin full of one dpci, it's a mishmash - one shampoo, one mascara, etc. I don't see that really affecting sales.

They actually are improving Instocks... I have not heard this reshop stuff being discussed at all, and its not in any of the FNM recap packets I have received. There are major changes to replenishment, instocks, and merchandising over the next few weeks (and bigger plans for the next 6 months that I have heard).
They told us today that when we come back from a break or lunch we will take a hand basket (5-10 minutes worth) of abandons to put away. I came back from lunch and market abandons were empty so they had me take them for another department. 🙄 If it actually gets abandons back under control I will be amazed. If we just had more people on hand at a time it would be easier.
They actually are improving Instocks... I have not heard this reshop stuff being discussed at all, and its not in any of the FNM recap packets I have received. There are major changes to replenishment, instocks, and merchandising over the next few weeks (and bigger plans for the next 6 months that I have heard).
I read the packet on the instocks improvements, I think it will help us actually complete the list - if they stop pulling us for other areas. I was so mad a few weeks ago when instocks was red on the guest survey. They basically called us out at huddle, but failed to mention that we had been pulled to pricing, flow, and cashier for that week everyday but one! Anyway, I'm getting off topic 😛
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