New Role, New Boss...not looking good!

Jan 8, 2021
Recently moved jobs to FFTL because I was flat out told they aren't promoting an SETL who has no other Target experience (not totally true, but I gather there is some truth to this), and this is the other area that interests me. My new boss has a bad reputation and everybody warned me it wouldn't be easy, and they have been cited as the reason for several TLs and many TMs quitting. I figured I would be at least somewhat autonomous because I'm not exactly "on the floor" and more specialized. I paid attention in training and thought a lot about how I would manage my team. Just a few weeks in and I'm fighting the urge to walk. The micromanagement is absurd, I have zero and I mean zero time to plan, coach, train and support the team with stuff like INFs, particularly my seasonals who are just thrown into the fire.

I have to break out of this loop and take control of my team away from my boss, or I'm going to get the fuck out, period. My store director seems concerned and disappointed in the situation, but also amused, and would like to see me solve this myself. Wish me luck lol. Any advice? I have given this feedback to my boss, and my boss just says yeah, they're going to micromanage and that's the way it is.
A couple additional specifics: If I'm constantly in a batch, I can't properly monitor the fluctuations in orders and the pick times of my team. Maybe some people are able to juggle all of that, but I'm still new to picking and am only just above the team average for INF/productivity at this point. Still learning the nuances of the store layout too. This causes me to be an inept leader, losing control/track of what is happening, and not able to keep on top of everyone's break and whether they're jumping right back into batches. A lot of my frustration is related to this, as my boss will give direction to my team and call backups, which ends up crossing the wires because I'm also giving direction and calling backups. It appears chaotic because it is, and this is bad for my team's morale and confidence in their leadership.
Your not going to jump in and get fulfillment right away without prior knowledge. Have you talked with your etl about getting on the same page. If they are trying to run the show they are probably thinking they are doing you a favor. Planning should be done way ahead of time and I did it a week at a time usually a week ahead. Getting your tms into a routine of checking in and checking out and knowing how many units they picked and there other metrics will help you out in dealing with coaching. I would have the conversation when they are leaving if they are not meeting the unit goals for their shift consistently. Then you can type then up later or the next day. I just developed a routine of coming in and making sure that the morning opus where done and in a good spot then I'd go write the conversations up quickly before it got busy again. Use a template that way you can just copy paste most of it and be done quickly.
I figured I would be at least somewhat autonomous because I'm not exactly "on the floor" and more specialized. I paid attention in training and thought a lot about how I would manage my team. Just a few weeks in and I'm fighting the urge to walk. The micromanagement is absurd, I have zero and I mean zero time to plan, coach, train and support the team with stuff like INFs, particularly my seasonals who are just thrown into the fire.
As far as finding time to be a team lead: planning, coaching, and training... the best thing I can suggest is to partner with your team's veterans. My current store calls them pace setters, my last one called them captains... whatever they are, they are valuable TMs to lean on. We help manage and direct the team, mostly when the TL isn't there but also as another set of eyes if they are. If you need to be off the floor for 15 mins to have a discussion with someone, they can keep an eye on things. Do you have a partner TL or is it just you over fulfillment?

A couple additional specifics: If I'm constantly in a batch, I can't properly monitor the fluctuations in orders and the pick times of my team. Maybe some people are able to juggle all of that, but I'm still new to picking and am only just above the team average for INF/productivity at this point. Still learning the nuances of the store layout too. This causes me to be an inept leader, losing control/track of what is happening, and not able to keep on top of everyone's break and whether they're jumping right back into batches.
Learning the store will just take time. Your personal metrics, while a point of pride and a way to "lead by example" ultimately don't matter. Your team has been doing it a lot longer, try not to let it frustrate you. If you have to pause your batch to check on something, do it. I always have myDay and MPM open in the background so I can check the numbers when a new order alert comes in or to see who's cart is approaching their goal time. Maybe try to get your team to be an active part in it, calling out whether they'll be fine when that alert goes out, or what the lowest batches are before they jump in to another. I like to carry a paper copy of the break schedule so I can cross off who's gone throughout the day and see who's coming up and if I need to adjust coverage.

Recently moved jobs to FFTL because I was flat out told they aren't promoting an SETL who has no other Target experience (not totally true, but I gather there is some truth to this), and this is the other area that interests me. My new boss has a bad reputation and everybody warned me it wouldn't be easy, and they have been cited as the reason for several TLs and many TMs quitting. [...] The micromanagement is absurd, [...]

I have to break out of this loop and take control of my team away from my boss, or I'm going to get the fuck out, period. My store director seems concerned and disappointed in the situation, but also amused, and would like to see me solve this myself. Wish me luck lol. Any advice? I have given this feedback to my boss, and my boss just says yeah, they're going to micromanage and that's the way it is.
A lot of my frustration is related to this, as my boss will give direction to my team and call backups, which ends up crossing the wires because I'm also giving direction and calling backups. It appears chaotic because it is, and this is bad for my team's morale and confidence in their leadership.
Everyone will have a different relationship with their boss, and there is no single solution to fixing yours. Part of it might be that you're new and they're trying to help. Part of it might be that they feel like they're losing control if they aren't constantly giving direction. Some of it will just take time for them to see that you'll be handle a difficult department by yourself so they'll leave you alone. Some of it will take pushback on your part to stand your ground if you believe a different action is needed, and the confidence for owning your workcenter will come over time. Obviously be respectful, but that's a balance you two will have to find. My TL isn't afraid to call out her boss, but she's also been with Target for several decades.

Hope this helps.
Looking back, this was really good advice and I'd love to say that it worked out, but unfortunately things are busted in the store and I'm taking a lot of the heat for it. Still leading on the fly most weeks, which isn't fair. We had a couple weeks where everything was totally on fire, and my SD very openly took my workcenter from me for a few days. And surprise, now my team who I got along with are getting their hackles up and picking arguments with me daily. And my boss is demanding a level of micromanagement I'm unwilling to deliver. So I'm leaving, but will take my time and find something good. I told one of my ETLs this already (mistake lol), but I'm not going to burn the bridge or leave them hanging. Sucks but also our fulfillment service is not a good business model and Target is not going in a good direction. Thanks again for the advice everyone, it did help a lot.
If you need backup from other depts please let them know when you have enough time to pick that batch . Now as they have increased the number of items in the batch (around 40 items) , Atleast give them 40-45min time for a batch . Other dept TMs might not be as quick as full time FF TMs . Please don’t make their blood pressure and anxiety climb by giving a 40item batch to pick under 25min .
Sorry to see it didn't work out. Honestly there are so many stores struggling rn, my store included although it looks less then many others. I am an gm tl and although I am not considered the inbound tl I basically do inbound everyday. Me and my other inbound tl have worn so many shoes over the last year because of people quitting and new people getting hired and new people quitting that it has taken its toll on me as well. You have to do what's best for you and rn it's still an excellent time to find something else in the job market.

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