Archived New TM - Flow!

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Jul 14, 2018
Hey guys,

I recently just got hired to work as a flow team member at my local target. Not gunna lie, this is my first real official job and I’m kind of nervous of what to expect. Especially considering that I’ve heard flow is really physically demanding and well, I’m a 5’6” skinny short guy that barely weights 120 lbs. however some people tell me that I should be good and not to stress it. I hope this job goes well and that I don’t disappoint!

Anybody got tips or suggestions for me? That would be helpful! My orientation is this Monday.
Hey guys,

I recently just got hired to work as a flow team member at my local target. Not gunna lie, this is my first real official job and I’m kind of nervous of what to expect. Especially considering that I’ve heard flow is really physically demanding and well, I’m a 5’6” skinny short guy that barely weights 120 lbs. however some people tell me that I should be good and not to stress it. I hope this job goes well and that I don’t disappoint!

Anybody got tips or suggestions for me? That would be helpful! My orientation is this Monday.

Learn to read shelf labels. Nothing pisses off salesfloor like shoving 40 shampoo bottles in a spot where 30 fit.
Flow is pretty simple, honestly. I can’t speak as to unloading the truck, since I’ve never done that, but once you learn how to read the shelf labels, it’s reallt simple. It’s basically just going around the store in a circle (atleast at my store) working out the freight. Make sure that you are putting things in the right location, even if it takes a little extra time. I wouldn’t worry about it being physically demanding. Most boxes are pretty light, and if they aren’t, they usually have a ‘team lift’ sticker on them, and you technically can get in trouble if you don’t have somebody help you. Just learn how to read labels and make sure not to stuff shelves full and you’ll do great.
Anybody got tips or suggestions for me? That would be helpful! My orientation is this Monday.


Your flow team leader will probably assign you a spot on the unload line to catch one or more departments. Each carton will have a label that shows the aisle location it goes to, for example at my store A block is HBA, chemicals and pets, B is kitchen, stationery and office supplies, etc. So a label that says A34 (1) 1-1-1 would go to the bottom shelf of aisle A34 in chemicals on the first section (aisle section is the number in parentheses). Each item has its own DPCI (Target's internal SKU) so you can match the last 4 digits of the DPCI to the shelf label. Example: 003-08-0188 is for 81 ct. Spring Meadow Tide pods so look for 0188 on the shelf. Some items, especially chemicals can have multiple locations (facings) on the same aisle so keep an eye out for those.

As far as unload and push goes, speed is important and showing some hustle is the best first impression you can make. If you don't know or are confused (and you will be) ask questions. If you're on the line and you aren't getting many cartons for your assigned departments, scoot over to the next person and help them catch theirs. NEVER stand still looking bored or playing with your phone.

Stacking pallets and flats doesn't need to be perfect but use common sense. Try to stack them with the heaviest cartons on the bottom and lighter ones on top to avoid any disastrous avalanches.

Your flow team will probably be short handed a lot because Target, so good attendance is crucial. If you reliably show up when nobody else does then you'll be the first they come to when they're giving away extra hours. Especially try not to call out during your first 90 days unless it's a life or death thing.

Also check out my flow thread here, and don't let the depressing first post scare you LOL. Feel free to hit us up with any more questions.


Learn it, love it, live it.
Not Gunna lie, this is confusing lol.
But thank you very much! Will try to learn it asap
You don't necessarily have to memorize it, but seeing it here is a good start so you've actually seen it before. The really important things are the DPCI ("item number"), the shelf location, and the custom block. Just knowing those three things, you'll have a good head start. 🙂
You don't necessarily have to memorize it, but seeing it here is a good start so you've actually seen it before. The really important things are the DPCI ("item number"), the shelf location, and the custom block. Just knowing those three things, you'll have a good head start. 🙂

Thank you so much! Really appreciate it.
DO NOT SCRATCH THE SALES FLOOR. If you hear something scraping, stop and check. Slower is faster, pay attention to what you’re doing and where you’re going.

And you will get dirty. Keep that in mind with your apparel options.
And don't forget to wash your red and khaki, despite the dirtiness (or rather, because of it). Not showing up to work with a filthy unwashed red shirt is a good impression to make.

And you will get dirty. Keep that in mind with your apparel options.
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