Archived New to Target and this forum

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Oct 16, 2012
Hi, everyone. I was just hired as a seasonal team member. I am going to orientation next week. I look foward to meeting you all.
I've been a cashier at almost all of my previous jobs, and I welcome the chance to work on the sales floor. I'm not expecting one to be better than the other, but would like the opportunity to have different work experience.
After almost two years of about 98.769% cashing, I'd rather do sales floor any day. Though there is a TM at my store who has been exclusively cashing for 9 years. How she hasn't lost her mind, I cannot fathom.

We have a cashier like that. She has absolutely no desire to work the sales floor. They have me on the salesfloor most of my shifts now with hardly any cashier shifts and I love it. She and I started at the same time 6 years ago.
From what I've observed in the past - and I'm not trying to be judgemental or obnoxious - the types who don't mind being cashiers for years are grandmotherly older women. I think it's a little less difficult for them because, due to their age, they often get *slightly*...notice I said *slightly*...more respect from customers right away. Customers are also more likely to believe that they know what they are talking about, and don't argue with them as much or question what they say about store policy. Again, this is just my experience.
We have a cashier like that. She has absolutely no desire to work the sales floor.

One of our other "grizzled veteran" cashiers worked as a cashier in different grocery stores for about 30 years before she came to Target a few years ago. Coincidentally enough, she is very social and likes to talk to guests, so my guess is that's why she's been a cashier for so many years. I wonder if this is the case with the 9-year veteran, though she's always talking about how she wants to learn other workcenters so she can get more hours.
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