Archived New to TBR, (relatively) old hand otherwise

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Oct 6, 2012
Hey all. I've been lurking here for a while, thought I'd join and say hi. I like that there's cross-store communication here and a place to share your Spot-y experiences.

Some background: Worked for the Spot in college. 2 1/2 years at two stores, on a B volume, one was a Greatland. Started as TPS, and through quite a chain of events, ended up on inventory prep after a transfer, then Electronics TM for 4th quarter, then promoted to Sr TPS. Quit for a couple years, and now am back at a different store (Another B vol.) awaiting entry into the Army.

I'm pretty well-versed in most processes at Target, thanks to my time in inventory prep and E+E, plus AP always seems to be the "fixers" of the store (more so at my old store). Here to help, and learn some more as well.

If you have any AP questions, I'll do my best to answer them without breaching the confidentiality directives.

Now off to another day at Big Red.
Welcome and thanks in advance for your insights and opinions!
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