Archived new to the board

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Mar 13, 2013
Hello i am new to the board and new to target as well. I joined 2 days ago I was looking online for answer to help me manage my backroom.
i hope to learn much from many off this online community. thanks!
thanks for the link but i have already read that threat about 30 min ago. just need something more specific to overnight none the less that thread was full of info!
As a team member I can tell you that you will get respect and a better response from team members if you lead by example and you are hands on.
to the TM member who sed that team members will respond better if i am hands on. that my friend is the problem i am way to task driven. i am working 14hr days back to back to back just to keep up with the work load and failing. smh last night we took 2x 2500 peace trucks and 1500 black line with 4 tm including myself.
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