Archived New Vacation Rules

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Yeah I laughed when I read something along the lines "To check your FML and STD eligibility please call ###", I swear people don't even look at the initialisms they create.
Where did you get this list?
From the other thread:
3. I have accrued vacation time/sick time/personal leave days that I will not use before leaving my company. Is the company required to pay me for that time?
It depends on the type of leave that you have. 24 states--Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island (after one year of employment), Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming--and the District of Columbia require that your employer include any unused vacation pay that has accrued (that you would have been entitled to use) in your final paycheck.

Source: Final Pay - Workplace Fairness

So they are so hard up for money, they are willing to put a policy into place that won't affect half the states (including Minnesota and people at the corporate office!) because of employment laws, and will screw over the other half of the states. Classy.

Retail Girl, Tuesday at 7:42
@OtherGuy thanks @Retail Girl
From the other thread:
3. I have accrued vacation time/sick time/personal leave days that I will not use before leaving my company. Is the company required to pay me for that time?
It depends on the type of leave that you have. 24 states--Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island (after one year of employment), Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming--and the District of Columbia require that your employer include any unused vacation pay that has accrued (that you would have been entitled to use) in your final paycheck.

Source: Final Pay - Workplace Fairness

So they are so hard up for money, they are willing to put a policy into place that won't affect half the states (including Minnesota and people at the corporate office!) because of employment laws, and will screw over the other half of the states. Classy.

Retail Girl, Tuesday at 7:42
@OtherGuy thanks @Retail Girl

I wouldn't trust that list a quick Googling showed that was not the case for Minnesota:
Do Employees Need to Be Paid For Unused Vacation or PTO Upon Termination Under Minnesota Law?
At Long Last! The Minnesota Supreme Court Speaks on Payment for Unused Vacation Upon Termination of Employment | Littler Mendelson P.C.
Currently team members accrue personal time. I wonder if that is going away and being replace with the 4 hours per year? I know a lot of people who use their vacation time to supplement their checks in January, February and March during the hours drought. They also use them to keep their average up and maintain the benefits they currently have. We have always given 3 days for bereavement and never asked what they were doing at the time(reading wills, arrangements etc) and 5 days if the family member was more than 250 miles away. I am curious to see this actually sided by side with what we currently have and the flowery language stripped away.
Last year I was told by my HRTM that using vay-cay hrs will NOT count toward your average hrs.
If you look at your paycheck stub, in the upper left corner it states "current TotalHours Worked" & that's what your average is based off of - NOT vay-cay or PH.
More evidence of a lack of understanding for the people who are actually DOING the job keeping the machine running, by a privileged minority who inherited their superiority. I am willing to bet this has no effect on the salaried few appointed by upper management for their institutional zealotry. My bet is this is a precursor by our new 19 mil a year Ceo to a systematic downsizing prioritizing older employees for the TARGET preferred stereotypical young, dumb and personable.

I live in a state where this is illegal, as it should be in every state. I will, however, not allow this to change my approach or how I advise other TM's (team member is a term I loath btw we are employees plain and simple).

  • When you get enough time for a day, spend it ASAP.
  • If you find another job DO NOT give 2 weeks notice, call in say you broke you arm or tore you're ACL be creative. Stall for time on doctors notes or "create you own" they do not have to work for long just long enough to get all the pay you've earned so they cannot deduct vacation already given out from you check. This sounds far fetched but trust me if they find that they get away with it they will do it.

How long will we, as older employees, allow a machine designed to maximize stock holder benefits at the expense of our own and our Guest (ACH more corporate label making i wonder how much vacation the genius at home office has who instituted this malarke) CUSTOMER
If anyone has questions about accrual:

I have 60 plus hours but can't figure out how 😕 I mean I can but I need to go somewhere.
Aren't you in team leader position? I work for target almost 15 years and got only three weeks vacation and two personal days.

Yes those numbers above are for a TL, not a TM.

TLs receive 1 more week of vacation than a TM with the same time of service.
You're right.. Half of my pay and benefits page has my old position and half has the TL stuff. It still lists me as a BRTM at N07 with my old pay rate but has my TL vacation info so that's where I got confused.. Had my BF pull his page up and we compared.
Aren't you in team leader position? I work for target almost 15 years and got only three weeks vacation and two personal days.
I am not (yet). Just a position that makes taking vacation sucky. I hate when people go in my trailer and I'm not there...
New ETLs will now also get 3 weeks vacation instead of 2 upon hiring. TMs still need to work 5 years I believe at full time to get that. Wrong, yes, but one less week for these inexperienced people to be in the store.
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Does this affect sick time (in states that require sick time) or just vacation?
Non-exempt team members in HI, RI, NY, NJ only: Your state currently has a sick plan that isn’t mandated by the state and doesn’t match the common elements of Target’s state-mandated plans. We’re making changes to your plan to align all sick plans under the same guidelines, which – for you – means: 
• Eliminating sick accrual payout at termination 
• Accruing time based on hours worked (not hours paid) 
• Accruing 1 hour for every 30 hours worked (vs 40 hours paid) 
• Retaining your balance if transferring from one Target location to another

There's a whole document, with all the changes, available on
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