Archived Nintendo Switch.

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Front End Academy Trainer (Walmart)
Sep 29, 2016
Now that everyone knows that the Nintendo Switch will launch worldwide March 3rd. And knowing how fucking stupid Nintendo is, Who's ready for Hatchimals part 2?

The phone calls...

The Guests waiting outside...

Only getting 1 or 2 and guests getting mad because you can't magically clone them...
Why people want that silly thing, I don't know. After the stupidity involved in the 'classic,' I'll be surprised if Nintendo stays in the hardware business. The only way I see it continuing is if their mobile revenue stays at the point it is now.
Why people want that silly thing.
It's new. It's got Mario Kart. I hate Money. 😳
I'll be surprised if Nintendo stays in the hardware business. The only way I see it continuing is if their mobile revenue stays at the point it is now.
I don't see Nintendo leaving the hardware seen anytime soon or in the future. I think they have learned from the mistake that was the Wii U. And also, Nintendo has too much money, that disaster that was Wii U, while it sucked for them, wasn't enough to cause them damage.
Looking at the website, it seems for now we're out of preorders for them too. Since my store doesn't do in store preorders, it's gonna be fun when a guest calls wanting to preorder, gets told it's online only, and goes online only to see it's unavailable.

I'm gonna wait to get my Switch for a while since I'm not done enjoying my WiiU, but I did notice there's a fancy bundle version of Breath of the Wild that I will preorder once it's available again regardless of when I'm getting the Switch.
They have a reboot of Mario Kart 8 with a few extra items. Not really that impressed. They should just make a second Mario Kart Double Dash. Now THAT was an awesome game.
Also the Mario Kart 8 redo isn't even a launch title. In fact theres only 2 confirmed launch titles so far: 1-2 Switch and LOZ:Breath of the Wild.

Will still be not a fun few months because console demand always outstrips supply at launch.
We get at least 6-7 every week for the past weeks. I was able to get one for my cousin few days ago.

They don't last a day though. I was surprised all 3 were still available 2 hours after the store was open.
PSA: Splatoon 2, a big Switch title, comes out next Friday. Given the shipment pattern, expect more switches to trickle in just before and just after that. It will likely also be in the ad next week so stores might hold Switches they get this week until Sunday.
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