Archived no call/no show last paycheck showdown?

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Nov 14, 2012
more of a question that a real post,
but does anyone know how i go about getting my paychecks after quitting by default with a no call/no show?
Job sucked so i stopped showing up. Friday is a payday and im not sure if i should just stroll in a pick it up, or call, or what?
Call the store, ask to speak to HR. Tell them you are abandoning your job and ask if they would mail your check when it comes in.

You'll get it eventually, but just as you didn't want to bother to tell them face to face you didn't need the job, they may not bother to send your check asap.
Everybody has been polite so far and I hate to spoil things but this is kind of a sore spot with me.
I can certainly understand hating the job.
There are days when I want to walk away and never come back.
But how about a freaking phone call!
It takes at least three sometimes more NCNS before they can take you off the schedule.
If you just called and said "the job isn't for me", nobody would hold it against you.
They would appreciate you being honost and giving them a chance to hire someone right away.
You can't do this kind of drek forever, you gotta show some respect for people.
I understand not giving a f u c k about Spot but we have to deal with drek like this every day and it gets a little old.
My store really stinks with sending them out. You really should just go in and get it, if you need the money. If you NCNS'd your way out of the job, I'm assuming you don't need the money TOO badly.
If you just called them and said it wasn't for you, even with no notice, it would have been would have given a person a chance to take those shifts and trust me, if you're a TM at Target, you can use the money.
Everybody has been polite so far and I hate to spoil things but this is kind of a sore spot with me.
I can certainly understand hating the job.
There are days when I want to walk away and never come back.
But how about a freaking phone call!
It takes at least three sometimes more NCNS before they can take you off the schedule.
If you just called and said "the job isn't for me", nobody would hold it against you.
They would appreciate you being honost and giving them a chance to hire someone right away.
You can't do this kind of drek forever, you gotta show some respect for people.
I understand not giving a f u c k about Spot but we have to deal with drek like this every day and it gets a little old.

As someone who has just dealt with a NCNS piece of crap employee, i.e. i've had to close food ave about 6 times in the last two weeks and I don't even work there, nor have i been trained to close. Very frustrating.
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I can't stand people who just stop showing up. Like grow up, it's pretty easy to come in and say, "I quit." Or even call. I've worked in 2 places where people don't show up and It becomes my problem to pick up their slack.

But to answer your question, they should mail it to you. When a kid stopped showing up (this being like 2 months after hire) I think his check sat there a while before I never saw it again. I'm not sure if he picked it up or what.
To be clear, just because you feel a job "sucks" doesn't mean you should just stop showing up. You work out the problems with your TL, then your ETL, then your STL, then your HR Mgr, No Call No Show is not the way to do it. If you know it's not for you, give your 2 weeks notice and continue to work your scheduled shifts or find someone to work them for you. Obviously we all have to do whats best for our sanity and health, but at the same time we should think not necessarily about Target, but rather our friends and co-workers who will suffer because of our actions when we do a No Call No Show. As for your paycheck, you should have reached out to your supervisor or HR team to make final pay arrangements. Since you did not, it will depend on what state you are in and how many no call no shows you did and when the last one was, and several other factors. There may be a check there, there may not. One could be on the way to your home by mail (if you remembers to keep your home address up to date) While it's completely against Target policy, your final pay could end up in "limbo" either accidentally or intentionally, possibly as retalitation for no call no shows. Again, that would be against Target policy and against State Law, but when you don't show common courtesy and respect to others, why should they necessarily show any for you? Again, no offense intended, just making some suggestions and recommendations.
more of a question that a real post,
but does anyone know how i go about getting my paychecks after quitting by default with a no call/no show?
Job sucked so i stopped showing up. Friday is a payday and im not sure if i should just stroll in a pick it up, or call, or what?
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