No call no show

I agree, the whole review and compensation process is a joke. The compensation part is based on how much money Corporate gives to a store and scores are based on that. Reviews are supposed to be given with a meaningful conversation with the employee. I’ve never had one, and I see employees go in and two minutes later they come out.
If your TL is communicating effectively with you year round, the review process should be straightforward.
Yes but it goes both ways. Who is in charge of disciplinary actions for TLs? TMs? Yet TLs are in charge of disciplinary actions for Tms. My TL be having hella bad days.
Oh I agree there are definitely bad managers. I'm lucky in that I haven't had to deal with truly bad leadership since I've been at Target, but I had some awful ones at my old job.

I've also been in management as well, so I can see things from that perspective. My experience on both sides has been that many employees believe they are a lot better than they actually are, so I do take employees complaining about how unfair their bosses are with at least a small grain of salt.

I can also tell you that I had much worse experiences with superiors as a manager than I ever had as a regular employee. The pressure from the top can be very intense. Shit flows downhill, as they say.
You can't get both.

Fair is taking circumstances into account to divvy up needed information/resources to get a similar end outcome/equality.

Equal is same across the board at the start, regardless of starting point or circumstances, to end up with an unequal end outcome.
I was on final for meal compliance twice , not because I went to lunch but because I never actually took lunch , and still got promoted .
I was on 2 finals at once and am now a tl however it definitely slowed down my progression. One was for losing backroom keys, and one was for attendance. Work ethic gets you promoted, although ive seen a few that got promoted that i couldnt believe but thats another problem. Ive been asked by multiple etls, pmbp, and dsds if id be willing to transfer. Nothings come from it yet but i take it as a good thing they are asking
If your TL is communicating effectively with you year round, the review process should be straightforward.
Communicating effectively year round are the key words. I know team members who only hear from their ETL/TL when they do something wrong and not when they are doing well. Directions for the reviews state having a meaningful conversation about your strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for the next year.
I was on a 12 month probation 10 years ago for excessive call outs/tardiness.
I was SO convinced that I wasn't going to pull off 12 months of perfect attendance and prompt arrival that I started saying all of my goodbyes to everyone that first week of the probation!! 🙂
It all worked out....I had a perfect record for the next 12 1/2 months.
I get along with everyone. I treat everyone who I encounter with respect, kindness and understanding. Always 'putting myself in their shoes". Always thinking about my actions and how I treat someone else, reflects how I want to be treated, so I don't send the wrong message to anyone or offend them or hurt their feelings. I don't hurt folks because I don't want anyone hurting me you feel me? Some folks just ain't right.if you keep going over and over and over the definition of equal and fair. .your missing the point and that's part of what is wrong these days. Sad but true boo. Love ya'll every one ☝️🙏
I get along with everyone. I treat everyone who I encounter with respect, kindness and understanding. Always 'putting myself in their shoes". Always thinking about my actions and how I treat someone else, reflects how I want to be treated, so I don't send the wrong message to anyone or offend them or hurt their feelings. I don't hurt folks because I don't want anyone hurting me you feel me? Some folks just ain't right.if you keep going over and over and over the definition of equal and fair. .your missing the point and that's part of what is wrong these days. Sad but true boo. Love ya'll every one ☝️🙏

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