Archived No more ETL HR?

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Since we lost HR-ETL; Our store has had significant turnover of leadership and the new leadership promoted into those roles wasn't given an adequate training schedule or even properly scheduled with their team to learn/adapt to their new roles. We also had significant issues with scheduling and defining E2E responsibilities, leaving other teams to pick-up the missing pieces while scratching their heads as to who is supposed to do what. Most recently we had our store inventory and nearly NO preparation time was scheduled prior to the week of inventory.

Our HR-ETL did a lot of behind-the-scenes things that the STL/HR-SrTL are not aware of/equip to handle well. It is becoming a scheduling FUBAR at our store and we haven't even started 4th Q yet. I'm more engaged in my role (as a TM) than most, so these issues make me more stressed than I probably should be, but it's hard to enjoy your job when you know you're not being appropriately supported by upper management's decisions. We are not set up for success... we're barely keeping our heads above water.
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