Archived Nobody listens

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Can you go to 4?
Nov 14, 2015
I've said numerous times I do not want to be in electronics and now I'm on the schedule to train in electronics and work in electronics a few days on the new schedule. Why doesn't anyone at target listen? Not to mention I finally thought they would go by my availability but here I am again on the schedule past it. I'm so sick of talking to people there that don't listen. Is this a target policy for management that they ignore anything in the computer and when you talk to them? They even had a sign up saying "make sure everything is correct in the computer cause schedules are generated by the my time blah blah" yet it's still going over my time. I'm really getting sick of this crap especially since they pay crap. Is there anything that can be done besides quitting because me working hard and not calling in seems to not make a difference when it comes to them working with me here.
Maybe they're trying to get you to leave

Could be but they always add me to new things which I'm fine with I told them I just cannot do electronics. They haven't cut my hours or anything so I dunno. It's just annoying.
It's a temp thing. If you don't want the boys. Please put them up on swap shift.
What do you mean a temp thing just till they hire some electronics people? It sucks cause I'm all for learning new stuff that's just the only one. I have severe anxiety and got stuck back there knowing nothing one day for 4 hours and it's just incredibly stupid looking for the store having me back there without knowing anything about anything. I'm always middle Manning it by calling someone else over to help and guests make comments like "why would they put people back here that don't know anything" and I respond with when you find out let me know I'm wondering the same thing. I'm not into electronics like that it doesn't interest me and I know where everything is on the floor so it seems a bit counter productive to take someone who can help a bunch of guests and throw them where they can't.
Ck with the salesfloor tl or etl. Le them know your issues in electronics, without delay.

I have repeatedly for a month now. They don't listen. Ever since I had that 4 hour cover for someone that called in I've told them never again and now I'm on the schedule for training and 2 days.
Could be but they always add me to new things which I'm fine with I told them I just cannot do electronics. They haven't cut my hours or anything so I dunno. It's just annoying.

Talk to them AGAIN on the scheduling past availability. I feel for you, I had to remind them several times about my hour cap.

They may be cross training you to help keep your hours up which means they like you. Or, they don't like you and don't care about your work center preferences, and need a body over in electronics.
You could take the training, and then put all of the shifts in the swap book. Hopefully someone will get the hint if you did that!
Talk to them AGAIN on the scheduling past availability. I feel for you, I had to remind them several times about my hour cap.

They may be cross training you to help keep your hours up which means they like you. Or, they don't like you and don't care about your work center preferences, and need a body over in electronics.
You could take the training, and then put all of the shifts in the swap book. Hopefully someone will get the hint if you did that!

Yeah I really don't know. It's hard to say. I got hired on from seasonal so I doubt they're trying to get rid of me when they could have easily just not hired me on but you never know. I just feel like a broken record with all this stuff and it's stressing me out. 😳
Again, talk to the etl or hr.

I know.. That's the point of this thread I have talked to them 15 times about the schedule availability, even talked to HR and talked to them about ten times about electronics because they kept bringing up if I wanted to try it and I always said no. My new schedule proves talking to them does absolutely nothing.
Yeah I really don't know. It's hard to say. I got hired on from seasonal so I doubt they're trying to get rid of me when they could have easily just not hired me on but you never know. I just feel like a broken record with all this stuff and it's stressing me out.

You might want to start looking for a different job then. The low pay isn't worth the stress. I don't miss all the nonsense since I left 2 months ago. But I really, really miss my discount.
Plus we got robbed a week or so ago back there and I told them if I didn't already feel uncomfortable before working back there now I really dont
You might want to start looking for a different job then. The low pay isn't worth the stress. I don't miss all the nonsense since I left 2 months ago. But I really, really miss my discount.

Yeah I've been looking. It just sucks because I do enjoy working there and working with the people that I do this scheduling nonsense is just getting out of hand
target doesn't care what you want. they will put you where you are needed

Yep starting to notice that. Funny thing is there are people that want to work in electronics but they're pulling people from other areas to do it which is dumb.
Always risky telling them you don't want to work a particular area,don't know if it's just karma or badness but you usually end up getting it.
Always risky telling them you don't want to work a particular area,don't know if it's just karma or badness but you usually end up getting it.

Yeah alot of people tell them they don't wanna work in certain areas and don't have to which is why this is weird. It was also the advice of both HR ladies to say I don't feel comfortable working back there so that's why I mentioned it in the first place when I was first asked and just said no the rest of the time.
If I'm scheduled past my avail, I just go to my tl or ETL and say I can't work past 5, you need to change my schedule cause I'm leaving at 5. And I make them walk to a computer and do it then and there.

Yeah I've tried that they say "it will be fixed next schedule" and It never is. Maybe my store is weird I don't know but they don't listen to anyone's availability or concerns.
I'm sorry, but I feel like the whole time you've been on this board you've had nothing but complaints about how much you hate your job, how much Target has screwed you over AS A TEMP, etc. I'm a single mom and they make me miss my kids' bedtime and I have to pay overtime to my babysitters on a weekly basis because of it, but I'm glad to have a job. It may suck, but it pays. And now your "glitterberry" self is complaining about having to work a specific section? Honey, I wish I worked at your store so I could take your shifts and get more than 22.5 hours next week so I could pay the rent FOR MY KIDS, and not some "fun, whatevs" job like you're treating it. Good luck with your bad attitude and "special-little-snowflake" self. Electronics is honest work for ADULTS. Get over yourself. (Mods: ban me if you must, but I'm done with that ish.)
Our store does have trouble with availability issues as well. The most we get is putting it on the swap shift board.

On the case of working electronics, I have worked a few electronics shifts and I cover lunch most of the time. The best advice I can give you, if you want to use your shift is if a guest has a question about some of the items, I usually read the box or I will use my phone to find the information they are asking about. Most of the time they are just wondering if I have a particular item in stock. With hours being slashed, I would be happy just be getting the hours you are getting.
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