Archived Nonexistant call buttons?!

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Former PFresh Assistant
Jun 15, 2011
Just wondering if anyone else has had a call button go off that doesn't exist... the otherday we had a dairy call button go off... only problem is that there is no dairy call button!!
It's been reported to happen before by others. I also believe that there is suppose to be a way to enter in a 3-4 digit number on the phones to call out a code for a given department.
We've had this happen at our store once as well....

Housewares call button went off.... Everyone on salesfloor was uber confused 😀

Not sure if it was a prank or something lol.
Testing, 1 2 3 4 5, 5 4 3 2 1 !!

We got a new callbox for the mens bathroom, and somebody hit one of the buttons before it got programmed and we had to listen to this for almost an hour until the GSTL found the callbox and hit reset.

Was kind of funny because a lot of TMs thought it was a real person 😀
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Testing, 1 2 3 4 5, 5 4 3 2 1 !!

We got a new callbox for the mens bathroom, and somebody hit one of the buttons before it got programmed and we had to listen to this for almost an hour until the GSTL found the callbox and hit reset.

Was kind of funny because a lot of TMs thought it was a real person 😀

It was test button when you hit all 4 buttons at once.
Call buttons call be programed by anyone. The gstl is messing with you.

I don't think so... All of the ETLs have been making such a big deal as to how we are finally green on call buttons after 4 months of mostly red scores!

No one would dare jeopardize that.

And the call button went to third request. 🙁
How would one go about setting one of these call buttons off? This is for purely academic reasons of course.

*ahem* hypothetically, you could find the Indyme programming instruction sheet on workbench. This sheet shows how to set the switches on the back of any call button and then enter a code for various announcements/areas of the store by pressing the blinking light part a number of times.

A certain site admin may or may not have programmed a spare call box to announce "Fast service needed in meat" and the store may or may not have taken 2 weeks to figure out where it was and what to do about it.
Testing, 1 2 3 4 5, 5 4 3 2 1 !!

We got a new callbox for the mens bathroom, and somebody hit one of the buttons before it got programmed and we had to listen to this for almost an hour until the GSTL found the callbox and hit reset.

Was kind of funny because a lot of TMs thought it was a real person 😀

So THAT's what that was lol. I thought it was one of our backroom team members, cause it sounded like him.

Yeah we've had some weird ones. I remember around Easter time I was in the store on my day off when I heard a call for Mini-Seasonal go off on my buddy's walkie. Since I was off, I went over there just to check it out, but looking high and low I couldn't find it, it was non-existant. Also had a weird toys call go off once while I was working. It was a toys call asking to bring a scanner, but it couldn't be cleared on the actual toys call box. It somehow cleared itself out though.
We had the plants button go off today, it went to final request, but cleared itself 10 minutes later. we were scratching our heads on that one.
We had a tabletop button go off once, it was funny to see everyone scramble trying to find it. Our seasonal call button was broke for a long time, they pulled it down and it would randomly go off. Went on for weeks before someone figured out how to fix it.
Indymes & callboxes can be programmed on site but the phone call boxes have to be reprogrammed through black box (or whoever is doing the phone systems now).
We're starting our Pfresh remod & they've started moving depts around to open up where Pfresh will go. The call boxes were going off all freaky so my GSTL had me read up on programming them as they're moved.
On the red callboxes, there's small toggle switches on the back. You flip the second into the program position, hold the reset button 'til it flashes then enter your code. If the code is 325, hit the #1 button 3x, hit reset, #1 2x, hit reset, then #1 5x followed by reset. It should flash the entire code sequence. Flip the toggle back to the home position & do a test, clearing it afterward.
Indyme boxes, you hold down the reset button 'til the #1 flashes. Same steps as the redbox. If a code is 208 (women's restroom), you'd hit #1 2x, reset 2x (because the middle number is zero), #1 8x, then reset.
Totally bring this thread back from the dead... but why hasn't Target programmed Indyme to make an announcement on Channel 2 when a new Flexible Fulfillment order comes in? "Attention Backroom Team Member- New Flexible Fulfillment Order has arrived. Who's responding?" ... and since we are aiming for less than 60 minutes if the order hasn't been picked it can announce on Channel 1 at the 45 minute mark, "Attention LOD- Flexible Fulfillment order approaching goal time."

Yes, it sends us a RedWire message on the myDevice. I'm a GSTL/LOD and as soon as I get the alert I go to Channel 2 and announce the order. I feel like IndyMe sometimes!
Some stores have a myDevice timer's set for every hour to check for new orders.

Is this an off the wall/not helpful thought? Or do others agree that it could be helpful?
Ever since we got the 2280 system, the red phones have been spazzing, and the system changed the call names on several of our phones. When my ETLGE first heard "Household Paper" he thought the PMT had messed with a button.
Having the phones be call buttons is the worst thing ever.
We ran into that a few times where it wouldn't clear because the TM would have to go look for something and would set the phone down.
Then it would keep calling out like Timmy stuck in the well.
I tried clearing a call last week and it didn't work, and the LOD got upset. Every department should have a button.
Wait, there's a call button that says "Fast service needed in the women's restroom?" What if there aren't any women close by to clear it?

On a side note, does anyone have any call button stories? Like a TM messed with a call button for a prank or some tech savvy guy figured out how to make it say something weird? That must have happened to at least a few people on this board.
Wait, there's a call button that says "Fast service needed in the women's restroom?" What if there aren't any women close by to clear it?

On a side note, does anyone have any call button stories? Like a TM messed with a call button for a prank or some tech savvy guy figured out how to make it say something weird? That must have happened to at least a few people on this board.

The button in the women's and men's restroom is simply a button that the cart attendants press to state they've cleaned it each hour.

There is also somewhere on this forum a call buttons thread with a link to all of the codes for the call boxes. There's some funny ones in there. The programming instructions are on Workbench. My ETL-AP received a new button for the locked merch in Sporting Goods recently and she had fun with the Workbench programming instructions and set it to "Fast service needed in the Bakery. Who is responding?" We are a Pfresh, without a bakery. That was funny to hear. I doubt my store does much other messing with the buttons because they're $180 each.
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