Not allowed to speak face to face with leaders

Unless they've improved the walkie sound within the past few years, I find it better at understanding the leader face to face than over the walkie.
I was just told by my store director to never again speak face to face with a leader and only to communicate via walkie.... Is it me or is that insane?
Definitely insane. What is the reasoning behind this?
As far as I'm aware it's for everyone

My guess is that in a meeting they asked why the TL's weren't getting their paperwork etc. taken care of.
Rather than point out the impossibility of doing all the things they are asked to do in the time they are given the TL said it was because they had to spend so much time hand holding and talking to the TMs.
You GM sounds like one of those reactionaries who goes, "I can fix that easy." and proceeds to slam his face in the door.
On the positive side, this will last for a few weeks until everyone figures out it is stupid and goes back to doing things the old way.
My team leader is almost unavailable on a walkie . Sometimes I see him in the morning and then no sign of him . He is assigned with many other projects outside my department and he hardly comes to our department or hear our problems .
"Never, ever communicate with your leaders in person" would be insane, but I'm wondering whether the SD simply meant "please use walkies for discussions that don't need to happen in person." I can see a SD needing to make an announcement of it if they've noted lots of unneccessary wandering around the building lately, or have been getting complaints from TLs fed up with constantly being called across the building for what turn out to be matters easily resolvable over the walkie.

And then there are Chicken Little TMs who refuse to do even the simplest troubleshooting and decision making on their own and have to call a council of every leader in the building to the aisle when a product doesn't fit in the space given on the label strip, but that's a whole 'nother issue.
And then there are Chicken Little TMs who refuse to do even the simplest troubleshooting and decision making on their own and have to call a council of every leader in the building to the aisle when a product doesn't fit in the space given on the label strip, but that's a whole 'nother issue.
As someone who has been one of these people calling managers for something small, it usually results from asshole managers who jump all over you for doing something even slightly wrong. You turn into Chicken Little and get them a little annoyed at you so you don't get yelled at later.
As someone who has been one of these people calling managers for something small, it usually results from asshole managers who jump all over you for doing something even slightly wrong. You turn into Chicken Little and get them a little annoyed at you so you don't get yelled at later.
Can confirm, this was me when I started. I came from 8 years at McDonald's where every single procedure had a prescribed way that was "correct", no wiggle room, and the managers were always 5 feet away to fuss at you about it. Over the years here I have managed to break out of that for the most part.
My guess is that in a meeting they asked why the TL's weren't getting their paperwork etc. taken care of.
Rather than point out the impossibility of doing all the things they are asked to do in the time they are given the TL said it was because they had to spend so much time hand holding and talking to the TMs.
You GM sounds like one of those reactionaries who goes, "I can fix that easy." and proceeds to slam his face in the door.
On the positive side, this will last for a few weeks until everyone figures out it is stupid and goes back to doing things the old way.
You are being generous with a few weeks; I’d give it a couple of days
I was just told by my store director to never again speak face to face with a leader and only to communicate via walkie.... Is it me or is that insane?
If you are walking across the store to speak to a leader , then yes you should be using a walkie.
Walkie convos tend to be quick and to the point , and it avoids down time… I am with the Stupid Director on this.