Archived Not paranoid, but ...

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Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
I feel like I'm being pushed out. Hours been cut. Been told to work busy -- first time anyone said that to me in the three years at my work center. People seem to make their way to avoid talking to me . When I shop in the store I feel as though the etls are giving me dirty looks as though they think I shouldn't be shopping
I feel as though the etls are giving me dirty looks as though they think I shouldn't be shopping

My STL gives me this as well. The Target that I work at just so happens to be the closest one to me, so I end up shopping there fairly often. But every time she sees me and I'm not working, she gives me the stink eye. Plus if I even so much as dare to talk to any of the other TM's while I'm shopping, she'll come over and tell me to "stop distracting my coworkers" even if it was the other TM who initiated the conversation.
My mom had a stroke that has affected her speech so I probably should not look so hard for a job right now .
My mom had a stroke that has affected her speech so I probably should not look so hard for a job right now .

I understand that, just keep your head down. I actually work at spot cause I could work around what my mom needed. And I will say that when I am in my store not working a lot of employees look at you funny cause they recognize you but aren't sure cause you are in street clothes. My experience anyways.

Just do good work and keep an eye out for another gig, just in case your gut feeling is right. But stress I will admit throws my gut feeling off cause it is usually right.
Yikes that's so awkward. I always have a good experience when shopping on my days off at work. No one has an issue. That is so weird to me because they're all about customer service and act like that when you are one. If anything they all mess with me and tell me to get the hell outta work on my day off lol
I am the Signing TM at my store, currently with no e-mail, so when I go shopping, (the man definition of shopping, get the 5 things I came in for and GTFO.) I get bombarded with "Have you seen's" and "Just so you know..."

The bolded of which is my MOST HATED common Target phrase in existence, as it is literally someone informing you of something so that if push comes to shove,but the shove got pushed to you.
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