I personally find them amusing and entertaining. I don't understand it but it's something that is very prevalent at my store. Majority of team members are in their own little worlds oblivious to everything that does not involve them.
I hear it on the walkie talkie and see it every day.
For example, Bud the LOD says "meat, grocery, produce, the FDC truck is here, head to the back to unload it" on the walkie talkie.
2 minutes later "GSTL" says "LOD what is your location".
Another instance is people that have worked at Target for at least year that ask me "you're still here" as a question or with the statement "you're working late".
My response is "I close every shift. I usually leave at 830pm or 930pm".
Their response - awkward silence.
Someone will see me walking up to the front out of the backroom to go on a break at 230pm and say "you're leaving for the day" as a question.
My response is "no but I would love to be able to leave this early, it would be nice".
I don't know if I'm just obsessed with details or remember patterns but there are a lot of ignorant and oblivious team members at my store.
Not a rant thread. More of an observation thread.
I hear it on the walkie talkie and see it every day.
For example, Bud the LOD says "meat, grocery, produce, the FDC truck is here, head to the back to unload it" on the walkie talkie.
2 minutes later "GSTL" says "LOD what is your location".
Another instance is people that have worked at Target for at least year that ask me "you're still here" as a question or with the statement "you're working late".
My response is "I close every shift. I usually leave at 830pm or 930pm".
Their response - awkward silence.
Someone will see me walking up to the front out of the backroom to go on a break at 230pm and say "you're leaving for the day" as a question.
My response is "no but I would love to be able to leave this early, it would be nice".
I don't know if I'm just obsessed with details or remember patterns but there are a lot of ignorant and oblivious team members at my store.
Not a rant thread. More of an observation thread.