Archived Odds of staying past seasonal?

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Ex-Backroom Badass
Dec 27, 2014
So I was hired as a seasonal cashier early last month, and I honestly enjoy my job, and would love to stay employed.

I like to think I've made a good impression (GSA/TL/Other TLs) all seem to appreciate the effort I put into things. I'm often the first they come to for extra hours/other random duties.

I'm just wondering if that's something that may contribute to me being kept on. I'm scheduled up to Jan. 10th (as far as I can see), but I start school on the 7th. So basically, if I'm being kept on, I need to make sure they can work around my new schedule, but I don't know yet. Should I just ask/submit the availability request and see what happens?

EDIT: Just noticed that there are tons of threads about this. Sorry!
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I would hope so. Gonna ask around today...
Apparently I'm gonna have to talk to my GSTL on Monday, as they haven't even started having internal meetings regarding it yet.
Saying nothing isn't an option due to his school issue, but usually I'd agree.

I'd just approach ETL-HR with something along the lines of:

I saw on the latest schedule that I'm scheduled through January 10th currently. I was hired as a seasonal employee and go back to school January 7th, I'd like to stay on past the seasonal period, but if I do so my availability will change to the following <> due to the classes I am taking.

It doesn't come across as desperate or like you expect to be let go, but still gives them an opportunity to tel you whether the current plan was to have you stay or be let go, and to get the availability concerns taken care of.
I'm fairly sure half the hires are half brain dead though, not something unique to seasonals.
I think you need to bring it up with someone. My ETL was walking by when I was checking the 1/3 - 1/10 schedule and I casually asked her - when does seasonal employment end? The gist of the conversation was that unless I said something, there would have been no conversation- I would have just continued to be put on the schedule. I have scheduling issues that would make it very complicated to stay on past the season, and now it is up to me to set the seasonal end date (I can work through the 17th, but that's it.

She did say (for my situation) that they would welcome me back next year. And to that end, it's better to make it clear that when I left it's because I only wanted to work the season rather than more generically "quitting". I thought that was interesting.
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