Off Two Days in a Row?


Cat Herder
Apr 28, 2015
Why is it people, for the most part, do not get scheduled off two days in a row? It doesn't have to be Sat/Sun but just two days off in a row.
Why is it people, for the most part, do not get scheduled off two days in a row? It doesn't have to be Sat/Sun but just two days off in a row.
I'm one of those odd ducks that prefers my days off broken up. I like working two or three days and then getting a break. I'm always a bit peeved when I get two days off in a row, especially since I have one set day off so I know I will likely have a five or six day stretch into the next week before I get a break again.
You think Target is going to be that generous.
Schedules like Week1 Off Sunday, Tuesday then Week2 off Thursday, Saturday
I'm one of those odd ducks that prefers my days off broken up. I like working two or three days and then getting a break. I'm always a bit peeved when I get two days off in a row, especially since I have one set day off so I know I will likely have a five or six day stretch into the next week before I get a break again.
You think Target is going to be that generous.
Schedules like Week1 Off Sunday, Tuesday then Week2 off Thursday, Saturday
Oh clopenings used to really piss me off! Thankfully my availability makes them impossible now, lol.

I only had one manager when I was a lead at Sears who never scheduled his staff to close and then open. He got it. Everyone else sucked.
Mandatory clopening is actually illegal in my state but they can get away with it if it's """voluntary""" and the TM isn't a minor. But if you hit up leadership and say you can't work that clopen shift, they're technically and legally obligated to make edits and fix it, which, depending on how badly you need money can often backfire as they're extremely likely to just unschedule rather than reschedule
ASANTS absoluetley. At my store the TMs who have good attendance and don't have to babysit get every other weekend off, actually we give them whatever schedule they want or need because we need these TMs to keep up this work ethic. The rest of the TM's have to work whatever their availability allows them to work and that's that. You earn your schedule at my store, you can also lose your schedule if your rolling 90-day attendance starts to look like shit. It's the same with hours overall. Those who earned their hours get their full 40 hours, and now the holiday season started they let us stay for OT when available. The rest? Good luck surviving on whatever hours are left over, the crumbs.

Not fair to evenly divide hours and schedules for everyone when half the workers don't show up, show up late, and you always have to be on their ass. I have been getting four 10-hour days one week and a full five-day 40-hour week the next on a bi-weekly schedule for years now. One of the good workers makes his 36-38 hours in a 3-day-a-week schedule LOL. They let him because he's getting the work done of 3 people. Personally to me, that's fair and it's a system that has been part of our culture here that most of the new workers are having trouble understanding and adapting to.
DCs get 3 days or more off depending on your Key. Since I work B-1 Key I work Tuesday thru Friday 6 am til 4:30 pm . So more then two days off do exist just not in the stores it seems
ASANTS absoluetley. At my store the TMs who have good attendance and don't have to babysit get every other weekend off, actually we give them whatever schedule they want or need because we need these TMs to keep up this work ethic. The rest of the TM's have to work whatever their availability allows them to work and that's that. You earn your schedule at my store, you can also lose your schedule if your rolling 90-day attendance starts to look like shit. It's the same with hours overall. Those who earned their hours get their full 40 hours, and now the holiday season started they let us stay for OT when available. The rest? Good luck surviving on whatever hours are left over, the crumbs.

Not fair to evenly divide hours and schedules for everyone when half the workers don't show up, show up late, and you always have to be on their ass. I have been getting four 10-hour days one week and a full five-day 40-hour week the next on a bi-weekly schedule for years now. One of the good workers makes his 36-38 hours in a 3-day-a-week schedule LOL. They let him because he's getting the work done of 3 people. Personally to me, that's fair and it's a system that has been part of our culture here that most of the new workers are having trouble understanding and adapting tI

I would love this method. It is great for those that do what they are supposed to 🙂
ASANTS absoluetley. At my store the TMs who have good attendance and don't have to babysit get every other weekend off, actually we give them whatever schedule they want or need because we need these TMs to keep up this work ethic. The rest of the TM's have to work whatever their availability allows them to work and that's that. You earn your schedule at my store, you can also lose your schedule if your rolling 90-day attendance starts to look like shit. It's the same with hours overall. Those who earned their hours get their full 40 hours, and now the holiday season started they let us stay for OT when available. The rest? Good luck surviving on whatever hours are left over, the crumbs.

Not fair to evenly divide hours and schedules for everyone when half the workers don't show up, show up late, and you always have to be on their ass. I have been getting four 10-hour days one week and a full five-day 40-hour week the next on a bi-weekly schedule for years now. One of the good workers makes his 36-38 hours in a 3-day-a-week schedule LOL. They let him because he's getting the work done of 3 people. Personally to me, that's fair and it's a system that has been part of our culture here that most of the new workers are having trouble understanding and adapting to.
My store sorta kinda does this, but I wish they'd do it more. Have to say I agree with @happygoth about having my days off split up. Not so tired after working 5 days in a row so I seem to get more done at home on days off.
But I wish we'd go whole hog with what @Lights's store does. We have several TMs who think the schedule is more of a suggestion and frequently call off. Others show up, mostly, but chat a lot and can't seem to work at the same time. And I know of at least one new TM who won't last long - she has bad knees (from playing sports, not because of age or a disorder - she's only about 20) and complains after working a 6-hour shift that her knees are killing her. Um, what? She came from another retail job and doesn't know retail means being on your feet and walking or standing a lot? Another TM and I have figured she won't last until summer. We have two other TMs, considerably older, with bum knees and they suck it up and get through it. (One will likely be having surgery soon, the other probably should but doesn't want to. Point is, they don't complain and they do their work.)
But my area's unemployment rate is pretty low and it's tough to find new, good TMs. So my store's leadership lets a lot of things slide, much to aggravation of those of us who show up every shift and work hard.
What is the normal amount of hours y'all have received working at Target? Ik everyone’s will be different but I want to see what the average is!!
So I’m not guaranteed any certain amount of hours? Unless I talk with TL when I start?
Unless you were hired full time, you are not guaranteed hours. It's something I really had to get used to when I was first hired, since I was always full time before I started working here.
My store sorta kinda does this, but I wish they'd do it more. Have to say I agree with @happygoth about having my days off split up. Not so tired after working 5 days in a row so I seem to get more done at home on days off.
But I wish we'd go whole hog with what @Lights's store does. We have several TMs who think the schedule is more of a suggestion and frequently call off. Others show up, mostly, but chat a lot and can't seem to work at the same time. And I know of at least one new TM who won't last long - she has bad knees (from playing sports, not because of age or a disorder - she's only about 20) and complains after working a 6-hour shift that her knees are killing her. Um, what? She came from another retail job and doesn't know retail means being on your feet and walking or standing a lot? Another TM and I have figured she won't last until summer. We have two other TMs, considerably older, with bum knees and they suck it up and get through it. (One will likely be having surgery soon, the other probably should but doesn't want to. Point is, they don't complain and they do their work.)
But my area's unemployment rate is pretty low and it's tough to find new, good TMs. So my store's leadership lets a lot of things slide, much to aggravation of those of us who show up every shift and work hard.
We've got some folks with just abysmal attendance, like it's 50-50 whether they will show up or not. How they still have their jobs is beyond me.
So I’m not guaranteed any certain amount of hours? Unless I talk with TL when I start?
You are not guaranteed a certain amount of hours regardless of who you talk to when you start. TLs do not have the authority to guarantee hours for anyone, no matter what they tell you during your interview. They will ask you how many hours you want to work, but there’s no guarantee that you will get that many hours on anything like a regular basis. Hours are cut during slow periods, which means your income will vary considerably throughout the year. Sometimes you may only get one 4 hour shift a week, during the holidays you may get 40 hours. Regardless of what they tell you, having completely open availability does not necessarily mean that you will get more hours, but it does mean that you might get less desirable hours. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.
You are not guaranteed a certain amount of hours regardless of who you talk to when you start. TLs do not have the authority to guarantee hours for anyone, no matter what they tell you during your interview. They will ask you how many hours you want to work, but there’s no guarantee that you will get that many hours on anything like a regular basis. Hours are cut during slow periods, which means your income will vary considerably throughout the year. Sometimes you may only get one 4 hour shift a week, during the holidays you may get 40 hours. Regardless of what they tell you, having completely open availability does not necessarily mean that you will get more hours, but it does mean that you might get less desirable hours. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.
That really sucks. I currently works 4:30p-10p 5 days a week and the whole reason I’m looking for another job because I want more variety or work hours not so much limitation. I hope Target will be able to get me at least close to what I am now or I will call it off :/

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