Archived Oh No...

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Sep 15, 2018
So..I was confronted at work today by a team member that I will call Ana. Ana comes up and says that, "you called me a black woman and you offended me. You also lied about it." I never said those things to her. She proceeds to tell me, "I expect an apology." So. Although I do not remember anything of the sort, I tell her that, "I am sorry." Well. She doesn't respond and walks away. So. I am a bit soft on the heart. So I start crying. My GSA who I will call Lexi, pulls me aside, and comforts me. In an upset emotion, I tell her, "I hate Ana! I hate her..." Am I going to be fired because I told my GSA I hated Ana?
Hope not. I am not an expert, but as long as no threats were involved I think you are o.k. Surely not even Spot can’t expect everyone to like each other. Good Luck.🍀
Surely you told Lexi why you 'hated Ana'.
Sounds like a set up: making a false claim & - since you apologized - so it must be true?
And told your GSA that you 'hated' her.
It's gonna come down to a 'she said, she said' but you might want to stop giving them ammo.
So I should just let it blow over? Don't say anything? Does my GSA have to report it.
So I should just let it blow over? Don't say anything? Does my GSA have to report it.
Nah. I let my cashiers vent about others without ever mentioning it to anyone else. I just let them get it out. I don’t take part in the bad mouthing. I usually just say, “I understand” and try to get them to look at the other’s perspective if I can or just listen. Never once reported it to anyone higher than me... and wouldn’t think about it unless it was threatening, weirdly sexualizing someone, or racist.
I was once coached for describing a TM as a "big fat black guy."

I loled. I just couldn't remember his name.

Hope they have a good head on their shoulders and won’t reprimand you for that. I don’t see a reason why a TL/GSA would reprimand you for being honest. You gave them something to keep in mind, and keep an eye on you two. Hell, I’m only reading about this “Ana” and I hate her behavior already.

Piece of advice: Don’t harbor any hate towards someone you barely know. If she gave no reasoning behind why shes soo upset, then she is wasting your time and energy. She probably wants to instigate a situation, or someone is spreading rumors for drama’s sake. At the end of the day, it isn’t worth it. If anything escalates, then do something about it (HR, etc.).

Think nothing of those who can’t accept themselves for who they are. If anything, I’m curious to hear how being called “a black woman” is offensive to her (Regardless of whom said it).

Black, or not, her character is suspect to me. Not a person to get worked up on.
Depends on your GSA. Some keep things confidential. Others immediately talk to hire ups.
IMO it sounds like you were confronted because someone told "Ana" you were talking about her. Drama Drama....
I'd say if nobody talks to you about it on your next couple of shifts you're probably fine. They likely won't address it unless "Ana" complains.
Regardless if you said this about "Ana" it's best not to talk about other team members in a negative manner. You never know who's listening, and you never know who's going to repeat what you said.
If you feel like this is completely out of the blue "meaning you haven't talked about Ana" I'd probably mention this to HR just so you're ahead of the story.
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Is she black? Then it's a fact, not name calling. She's offended because she wants to be, not because of your statement. People like that love to make people feel uncomfortable and play the victim. Sounds like you did nothing wrong.
As long as you didn't say you hate "Ana" because she's black you should be fine.
I say I hate people all the time that I work with and I still have a job.
If you said you hated Ana because she's a person of color, that would be a problem. Or if you said you hated Ana and Fred and Sally and Mark, and they all happen to be people of color, that would be a problem.
But that doesn't seem to be the case here. So I don't think you've set yourself up for losing your job.
I would suggest giving Ana a wide berth though, if you can; she sounds like she might be wanting to make trouble for you. And I'd also suggest keeping a check on your emotions while at work. I get it, especially at this time of year - we're all a little frazzled and tired and emotions can be too close to the surface. But Ana and others like her aren't worth all the consternation. Let her do her drama elsewhere. You be like a duck's back and let all that water roll off you. When she sees that she's not getting the desired result from you, she'll find someone else to bother.
I got fired for something a black guest complained about.
You can never be sure of what can happen. Part of the issue is the way Ana responds...and if she reports you to HR.....if she's acting as a victim you might be screwed.

The comment that I made that my guest heard was a PRIVATE conversation to my GSA.
I don't know....maybe a guest has more pull...and maybe my HRBP was a floater and needed to make a point.
Good luck.
I got fired for something a black guest complained about.
You can never be sure of what can happen. Part of the issue is the way Ana responds...and if she reports you to HR.....if she's acting as a victim you might be screwed.

The comment that I made that my guest heard was a PRIVATE conversation to my GSA.
I don't know....maybe a guest has more pull...and maybe my HRBP was a floater and needed to make a point.
Good luck.
I usually try to make sure no one else is around for my private conversations. What the heck did you say that would've gotten you fired?
Did you not "say those things to her" or did you not say those things at all? There is a difference. Is there truth to what she is saying? Did you have any conversations to anyone about Ana that someone could of then went and told her?

Now because she confronted you, you hate her? Or did you already hate her prior to the confrontation?

One thing I quickly learned in life is most people love a good piece of gossip. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Especially at work. I highly doubt you will be fired for saying you hate someone though.
If you’re really worried talk to HR go straight to the head honcho. Your ETL HR and ETL GE, its best to handle these before they blow up into something bigger
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