Archived OK...that was not expected at all

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Jul 20, 2015
I'm cashiering. Doing my job correctly. there is a long line but i am going super fast to help ease guests. i am super friendly and courteous. i get to this one guest and finish her transaction and after telling her to have a wonderful day, she requests to speak to the manager. ok alright. no problem. the gstl speaks with her to the side. She apparently complained about me for not telling the people who were in front of her in line to let her check out first since she had less items......ok what?!?! there is a line. you stand and wait for your turn. why did you have to complain about me for something i had no control over. she didnt even ask me if she could skip people. what am i supposed to her mind? breathe in, breathe out.... now is that what i get for doing my job in the best manner possible and making sure everything is smooth. seriously, like give me a break
You did nothing wrong. In fact, I would be upset with a cashier who told guests to "move aside" for someone else just because they have less items. It is my responsibility as the front-end supervisor to ensure that the lines are short and guests have the least waiting time possible.
It's this kind of shit that makes me not want to be on dayside.

Grocery stores give guests too much entitlement, or a sense of it anyways.
I was at guest service, I had a woman cut in front of the line while I was helping someone to complain that they were 'stuck' for 15 minutes (lieeeeeeeeee) behind someone signing up for a redcard and really we need to have a separate line for that!!!!
I was at another store awhile ago and the lines were maybe three or four people long and the lady said, unironically, "This is just like Nazi Germany."

I just don't know how to react to people like that.
Knowing people who were children in the camps it just makes my brain explode and is one of the rare time when there is so much I want to say but the the polite society brakes come down so hard that I go into vapor lock.
I wish I was Dorothy Parker or Oscar Wilde and pull up some incredibly biting piece of brutal wit that would cut them to the quick.
We've bred a society of instant gratification; they go into meltdown mode if they can't get it RIGHT NOW.
Their grandparents were the ones who grew up learning to use microwaves for something other than popcorn & never knew what a rotary dial phone was; everything was touch-tone.
These adults have never know what it is to wait for anything, they were raised hearing how 'special' they were, manners were something old people used & if they didn't get the answer they wanted they'd post a nasty-gram on Yelp/Reddit/Facebook/media outlet of your choice.
We're living in a society of spoiled brats.
I just don't know how to react to people like that.
Knowing people who were children in the camps it just makes my brain explode and is one of the rare time when there is so much I want to say but the the polite society brakes come down so hard that I go into vapor lock.
I wish I was Dorothy Parker or Oscar Wilde and pull up some incredibly biting piece of brutal wit that would cut them to the quick.

I laughed in her face if that makes you feel better. 🙂
We've bred a society of instant gratification; they go into meltdown mode if they can't get it RIGHT NOW.
Their grandparents were the ones who grew up learning to use microwaves for something other than popcorn & never knew what a rotary dial phone was; everything was touch-tone.
These adults have never know what it is to wait for anything, they were raised hearing how 'special' they were, manners were something old people used & if they didn't get the answer they wanted they'd post a nasty-gram on Yelp/Reddit/Facebook/media outlet of your choice.
We're living in a society of spoiled brats.

I've wondered if every few generations thought the same thing. Horses, cars, airplanes, phones, mail, the Internet, and countless others could make life easier, and give previous generations a reason to consider the current spoiled or entitled.

Twenty years from now, it will be interesting I think. With the evolution of computing and cloud usage, we are fast approaching a wild future.

I get that one bad apple who is aggressive when they don't get their way. It's like a: "I deserve special treatment because I am a guest and I can sue your store." seriously, it's a pain. Like... Dude you aren't the Queen of the store. Chill.
Every once in awhile you gonna get that one guest who tries to belittle you. The worst thing you can do is show them you're bothered by their comments, the best you can do is smile and say "Have a wonderful day."
I've noticed people are getting worse and worse about waiting in any sort of line. I have no idea where people got some sort of guarantee they would never have to wait in line, but it has gotten ridiculous lately.

The amazing thing is that if you go to one of our competitors they often have lines that are significantly longer than at Target. It drives me nuts that when I am working we need to keep lines at 1+1, but then if I get dragged into Walmart it is possible to wait 15 minutes or more in line because they have three cashiers and every line is fulled with large orders.
The amazing thing is that if you go to one of our competitors they often have lines that are significantly longer than at Target. It drives me nuts that when I am working we need to keep lines at 1+1, but then if I get dragged into Walmart it is possible to wait 15 minutes or more in line because they have three cashiers and every line is fulled with large orders.
Exactly. I'd like to think we have a more organized system at Target. We have people who provide back up and are quick at getting people done quicker.
The kicker is that it's not the cashier's place to tell a guest "Hey, can you let the broad behind you go first 'cause she's got a little LESS than YOU do & she's in a REAL HURRY?"
It would be the guest in front of her to glance over & say "Hey, I've got a large order & you don't so why don't you go first?"
I've done it for others but don't do it for the impatient self-absorbed idiots, tho.
Had a girl ask me the other day if she could go first because she was "in a hurry". She had a hella LOT more than I did (4 items).
I said "We're ALL in a hurry & my order is smaller so it'll be quick."
I did take my sweet time swiping the card, tho.
One time I open up a line and signal for Person 1 to come over. Person 1 comes over and sets her one item down on the belt. Then the following plays out when person 2 tries cutting

"You should let me go in front of you, since I only have one item!" - Person 2
"... I only have one item as well" - Person 1
"But I just have one!" At this point, Person 2 then physically starts pushing back Person 1's item. But, of course, the conveyor belt keeps pushing it forward. I stand just watching mouth agape. More words are passed back and forth, when the GSTL then swoops in and whisks away Person 2 to check her out at another line.

Person 1, of course, ended up being pissed at Person 2, but she had no problem with me, so there's that!
As a cashier I would've grabbed person 1's item, scanned it & said "Excuse me Person 1, would you like to come around & swipe your card?" while pointedly ignoring Asshole 2.
Just when you think you've seen/heard it all, retail proves you wrong.
Yeah nothing wrong on your end. Hopefully your GSTL didn't take that complaint seriously. Some people just feel so entitled.
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