Archived Order Pickup

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Does anybody know anything about 'Order Pickup'? It recently appeared on our schedule and we have staffing for it very similar to Guest Services.

I remember in huddle a couple weeks ago, our STL was talking about the option of people having their orders ran out to their cars, is this what that is? Because I really can't see our GS TM's running out to peoples cars.. xD

Also, does anybody know why we have so many hours for it? We have an opener and a closer every day, and sometimes a mid. If it truly is just running stuff out to people's cars, isn't that a bit excessive?
my store is doin it, I'm trying to see if I'd be able to work a few shifts in it. What I was told, it's very much like a GS position, accept you deal with all order pickups. You are positioned at the service desk alongside the actual GS attendant.
Could be a seasonal flexible fulfillment team member who only deals with in-store pickups. Likely to only be used between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We usually need a dedicated person on those anyways.
Could be a seasonal flexible fulfillment team member who only deals with in-store pickups. Likely to only be used between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We usually need a dedicated person on those anyways.

Higher volume stores get an OPU person. To assist at service desk. However from my experience many stores schedule them as OPU then use them as a cashier or extra service desk.

In the new FOS remodel, there is one lines for returns and one for service desk. I don't think any store is that OPU steady they need a person at the desk just for OPU at all times
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Higher volume stores get an OPU person. To assist at service desk. However from my experience many stores schedule them as OPU then use them as a cashier or elsewhere in the store.

In the new FOS remodel, there is one lines for returns and one for service desk. I don't think any store is that OPU steady they need a person at the desk just for OPU at all times

I was also wondering if the OPU person was stuck at the desk the entire shift, seemed unlikely. When I first heard I thought OPU would be up to the seasonal flex fulfilment people, since we're hiring about 7 of those lmao. More than likely at my store at least, OPU is gonna be front end TMs who are trained in guest service or will be, I wouldn't doubt if they'll be the ones covering guest service breaks or even working and processing all Guest Service things(returns, exchanges etc)
at my store OPU is just a service desk team member
That's how it's usually been at my store, guests just wait in line at the service desk and then say they have an OPU, and the GSTM gets it. I wonder if having a dedicated OPU TM is new for 4th quarter, or maybe it's a sign that we're a higher volume store?
Last Christmas we stored all the in-store pickups at the photo lab. We printed a bunch of labels for it, used baskets on the floor, and stored others on the counters. Looked like a garage sale. One person just stayed there all day.
My store has had Order Pickup for the last 6 months. Usually an opener and a closer as well as mids on occasion. Sometimes they use the order pickup hours and schedule cashiers or a mid GSTL. Order pickup is generally just another guest service team member. Currently my store is in a remodel but we are probably not getting the FOS or guest service remodel even though we are a high volume store. Not sure how corporate decides on which stores will get the guest service/order pickup remodel. Having separate lines is what most guests want and what we need in our store. Our guest services is very outdated with the old red countertops. If only corporate could update the service desk at my store!

We are atleast getting an expanded order holds area but no updates to the service desk 🙁
We have a separate order pickup line at guest service but whichever GSTM gets to the guest first is the one who does it
That's how it's usually been at my store, guests just wait in line at the service desk and then say they have an OPU, and the GSTM gets it. I wonder if having a dedicated OPU TM is new for 4th quarter, or maybe it's a sign that we're a higher volume store?

It's not new. Some stores have had it since Q1.
My store has a handful of order pickup shifts per week, but often GSAs fill the void and take care of order pickups when there's no coverage by a specified team member.

We've been doing it for several months now.
Do you guys have the designated "drive up" spots in your parking lots? With red 'pole' like things?
At my store OPU has dedicated hours and their own line. Usually it's an FF team member scheduled there but currently I'm building a team specifically for OPU as that's what the goal is. In the event they don't have guest, they work on the ship to store putting them in locations.

I also made sure they know how to do returns so they can help when possible. We're a very high volume store. I don't think all stores need this.

The other service you're referring to is curbside pickup. That failed at my store. Terrible service made by someone who had the delusion that a guest service team member had the time to go outside to drop off items to a lazy guest. Absolute fail at my store when we have amusement park lines.
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