Archived Orientation soon...any advice?

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Jul 23, 2015
So I just got hired as a sales floor (hardlines) member and I have orientation soon. I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to bring a small purse? I don't want to have to carry my wallet/cell phone/other papers in my hand or shove them into my small pockets, so I was thinking bringing a purse would be better but is that a bad idea? I know they have lockers there but I figure we probably won't be using them that day. Also, any other advice in general? My anxiety is getting to me right now :/

Small purse would be fine since there are lockers; ofttimes TMs do orientation then head out for training for the remainder of the shift but ASANTS (all stores are not the same).
Lockers are either coin-operated (a quarter that you get back when you open the locker) or digital (pin-operated).
Small purse would be fine since there are lockers; ofttimes TMs do orientation then head out for training for the remainder of the shift but ASANTS (all stores are not the same).
Lockers are either coin-operated (a quarter that you get back when you open the locker) or digital (pin-operated).
okay thanks! I was just thinking that maybe they wouldn't be available for people just going to orientation? When I was on my interview I saw they were digital.
Digital lockers: make up a 4 digit PIN, hit the button with the key icon, enter your PIN, then hit the key again - locked.
To unlock: hit the key icon & enter your PIN.
Hardest thing is remembering which locker is yours; I used to put a sticky on mine.
Whaaaat!? I wish we had digital lockers... carrying more keys around is a pain.

Welcome to Spot and TBR though!
Yeh, until the batteries die. (You'll hear extra little beeps when the batteries are dying).
Our last PMT didn't do squat when they started dying & TMs weren't able to get their things out because 'someone' borrowed the digital key & broke it.
Yeh, until the batteries die. (You'll hear extra little beeps when the batteries are dying).
Our last PMT didn't do squat when they started dying & TMs weren't able to get their things out because 'someone' borrowed the digital key & broke it.

Yeah that wouldn't fly too far with me considering I lock up my purse with my car keys in it.
oh yeah, random question but do you think it would be ok to wear khaki pants that are the skinny leg type or should I just go for regular ones?
You could probably wear the skinny at orientation & see if they say anything.
Some stores are real sticklers for dress code & some aren't.
You could probably wear the skinny at orientation & see if they say anything.
Some stores are real sticklers for dress code & some aren't.
okay that's what I'll do...I'm hoping it will be fine since I saw most girls wearing the skinny khaki pants when I was at my interview plus I just prefer how they look.
Welcome to The Break Room!

Yeh, until the batteries die. (You'll hear extra little beeps when the batteries are dying).
Our last PMT didn't do squat when they started dying & TMs weren't able to get their things out because 'someone' borrowed the digital key & broke it.

At my store, if a battery dies and there's no way to unlock it, the LOD digs out a crowbar to pry open the door. We had to have a set of lockers replaced because so many of them were pried open and didn't lock (or unlock) properly anymore.
At my store, if a battery dies and there's no way to unlock it, the LOD digs out a crowbar to pry open the door. We had to have a set of lockers replaced because so many of them were pried open and didn't lock (or unlock) properly anymore.
OMG! You work at MY store!!!
Welcome to The Break Room!

At my store, if a battery dies and there's no way to unlock it, the LOD digs out a crowbar to pry open the door. We had to have a set of lockers replaced because so many of them were pried open and didn't lock (or unlock) properly anymore.
A box cutter or screwdriver can open lockers on the gap on the left side of the keypad.
I start orientation tomorrow (Monday) for hardlines too (I think?) - kinda nervous, but also kinda not trying to take this job so seriously.

If you have any tips for me, I'd really appreciate it, but I've been reading a lot of stuff here so I feel kinda prepared. @axlo since it's fresh on your mind and you're still fairly new.

I'll probably have a ton of questions after orientation, once training starts, after training, etc.
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