I will say you cant blame the morning leadership team for handing off a shit show. The problem with spot is the systems. When one system fails it is a snowball effect across the store. If the unload doesn't go well then maybe the gm team or style gets put behind. If the sfs team is behind then it takes away from the rest of the store. If market doesn't finish there push it will slow down the unload. If the night team doesn't finish there pulls there will be bigger pulls for the morning team or vice versa. Not to mention I've had plenty of times that the closing team has screwed over my unload. Using flats for OFOs and not pushing them, not doing a bail, leaving a salvage pallet and not putting it up and out of the way. Bringing over 5 pallets of sfs and leaving it on the dock. All these problems effect other teams, so if your struggling it is also affecting the rest of the store in the am which then leaves it for you to be struggling at night.
Sorry for the long rant.