Outage 1/5/2023

The only thing that is still out (that I know of) is the phone. Don’t sign out of the app. You can’t sign into it. It works otherwise.

Time clock was out but still worked if you used the same clock
Returns were down
Couldn’t pay RedCard in the store
Drive up was down from the Target app. You couldn’t press “I'm on my way” from the app
Shipt audit was down. Had to do visual audits

The weird outage was in MyDay. You could scan an item and it would tell you the price but not the location(s). I assumed that those were locally stored at the store on its own server, for speed, as well as corporate for distribution centers

This is what I know that is/was out from my shift
Yep, fun day today! Personally, I wasn't impacted that much but other TMs were. Some of our SFS TMs were pushing truck for a while because they couldn't pick orders. Seems like some things would work for a short while, then go on the fritz again. Fingers crossed it's all back tomorrow.

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