Our district wants to do this too. Now, it’s real.
Details PLEASE from those that are doing this, answers to stuff like:
1. How many tm’s, how many shifts, length of shifts, consistent every week ?
2. Were you given any other options to the 10 pm-6:30 am that I was offered ?
Someone here said 4 am-12:30pm....that sounds better - is it working ?
3. What actual duties ? Plano & Pricing only ?
4. If it’s offered and you say “no” , what is the next step ?
5. What about the DBO’s you’ll never see ? Do you no longer watch a department ?
‘’Decision to do this or not still depends on so much more than -
PRO - no guests/cashiering backup/phones/’visits’ - - - all a big YES, I’ll take it
CONS - husband sleeps alone (i hope ), I sleep during the day (I hope), eating schedule upside down,
Danger of driving sleepy, possibly working sleepy, working with no other leader in the building
(what if there’s an emergency ?!), no interaction time with DBO’s, - these issues all weigh on NO