When does this roll out? Makes me wonder if that's why my stores bakery/deli tl position has to be combined by September.
This rolled out to the 10 stores on April 27th, however one store has been participating in the test since 4th quarter.
Does anyone have a list of who the 10 stores are??
The stores are almost all SuperTargets that were next in line to be shut down due to low profits. I know for sure three of them are located in the metro Atlanta area.
Since they are slowly but surely killing the overnight process & edging it closer & closer to opening time, that gives the slaves an extra hour to be ready by opening.
I think they should just BE BOLD and offer any earlybird "guests" an extra 5% off their total bill if they stop & help push the merchandise in one aisle. Do 2 aisles & you get a free Target shirt too!
Why pay employees if you can get shoppers to do the work & then spend money when they are done?
It's been suggested that key carriers can BE BOLD and allow guests to enter and shop the store before it is opened, with the lights dimmed. Yes, it really has been suggested to the STLs of these 10 stores.