Archived pcci rant

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Sep 30, 2014
i was fine with no one getting an o, its the way things work. but ex was easy if you were good at what you do.

at least at my stores just about everyone is a 2 unless they suck. 3's are just as rare as o's.
The way it was explained to me, the vast majority of people will get the middle rating. I'm expecting all TLs at my store to get it; no one is amazing, but no one is terrible either.

I agree that PCCIs don't mean much, but I do expect everyone to get the middle rating as the yearly review, too. There are just so few options now.
If your store isn't making sales, redcards, or a lot of the other important metrics, it's going to bring down everyone's score.

I do a lot of good work and take on a lot of extra tasks and respoinsibilities but I'm not expecting an O (I'd be surprised with an EX really) because we're down in Sales, we're one of the lowest performing Redcard stores in our area, and turnover has been high. Its kind of a bummer that my own performance only has so much impact on my raise, but that's the way it is.
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I got an o. Remember this one didn't count it's the one you do next spring that will effect your raise
Problem is, what used to be a high EX will get the same merit raise as what used to be a low E.

Better question is, what merit % will they use now? Because O, EX, E, and so on each had their own merit % for reviews. Since EX and E are now combined, what is the new merit increase %. It would be unfair to lower the used to be EX's and raise the what was E's raise.
If your store isn't making sales, redcards, or a lot of the other important metrics, it's going to bring down everyone's score.

I do a lot of good work and take on a lot of extra tasks and respoinsibilities but I'm not expecting an O (I'd be surprised with an EX really) because we're down in Sales, we're one of the lowest performing Redcard stores in our area, and turnover has been high. Its kind of a bummer that my own performance only has so much impact on my raise, but that's the way it is.
Agreed. However, when our STL got the left foot of fellowship, one from another near by store came in to help. He was so shocked the next week at our redcard and sales percentages he bought us dominos pizza and breakfast tacos ( from a nearby taco place) for 2 days. [25% above projection and 1st in the district in redcards]
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