Archived Person phones

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Remember when connected to Target wifi, AP can view what websites you access and the "name" of the phone. And the "model" of the phone. For example if you have a can see that "Evan's iPhone 5" acesssed these websites. So if you don't want target to know what websites you access change your phones name.

Certainly from a IT standpoint Target can view that info if they wanted to, but AP doesn't have access to it let alone the time to mess around with it.
When the PDAs and MyDevices are down, I use my phone as a replacement PDA if I'm pushing. Scan the barcode on the Target app and you get the DPCI.

The amount of times I have dropped my phone is insane. The absolute lack of any cracking on my screen is also insane.

My phone is durable, I know what it takes to break the screen and it is a lot. It is a lot to fix $200. It had take a fall from a truck.

The fact you are giving target your property for free gives them no incentive to provide equipment for the service they want us to provide.
My phone - nice and simple, about 30 bucks.


I don't have to cry when I drop it...
But your phone can connect to the Store's Wifi. Your your not using your own data. So what is the problem?

Most Target Stores now should have Wifi. When I get to work, I just disable my network and connect to the store. So none of my own data is used.
Electronics can be a dead spot for our wi-fi. Too much other crap going on in the same area. I get phenomenal 4Glte coverage at work and at home with Sprint. I also have insurance on both phones on our plan, cause hubby kills them all the time. I have a case to prevent screen crackage as well as drop damage, hubby has a top of the line Otter box. Its not gonna break if I drop it. Not on the tile floor in the produce cooler, or the concrete floor in the freezer. Been there, done that.

I get a discount through hubby's work, it matches the one spot offers, might be a bit higher. I don't recall. Its also helpful to call other stores for a guest instead of trekking to an actual phone.

I don't use my cartwheel for guests, but we do have a store login for the mydevices.
Flip phones the cell for for the old and tech incapable. Lol I pick on my brother in law cause he has a flip phone. He loves it and has never wanted more.
I'd never let a guest touch my phone heck I don't even let my boyfriend or friends touch my phone much let a stranger touch my phone. I do not need it broken.......

I use my phone at work and have never put it in anyone else's hands lol. I'm good on that, but if you're nice and I don't have any target devices, I'll search it up for you. Give you a location or whatever. I don't even let them see the iPod screen unless it's absolutely necessary. It allows me to lie to them without being questioned when it says we have 1 or 2 on hand.
Should they pay for your shoes since you're using them at work, too?
Remember when connected to Target wifi, AP can view what websites you access and the "name" of the phone. And the "model" of the phone. For example if you have a can see that "Evan's iPhone 5" acesssed these websites. So if you don't want target to know what websites you access change your phones name.
This is (to date) the most ridiculous AP rumor I've ever heard
Should they pay for your shoes since you're using them at work, too?
Shoes (and shirt) are required, phones are not.

As someone stated, if you use your own to help guests, there is no reason for Target to make the necessary capital expenditures so that we have the equipment required to do our jobs. Target choses to not invest much in it's TMs, so let's at least invest its facilities and equipment.
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A team member at my store got wrote up for loafing for using her phone to help a guest. The ETL said she should of been using her my device.
I don't think any stores actually want you using your phone to replace your my device, it's to demonstrate. Like showing a guest cartwheel or how to navigate the target app. Hence the tagline "get appy"
lol @ buying a 600 dollar phone
That's the cost of replacing one of you are on a contract. I don't know many people who actually pay that for a new phone.

I'm trying out Sprint's "iPhone for life" plan. $20/mo for 2 years, then I turn it in and get the latest iPhone for another 2 years.
I use my phone occasionally at work. Mostly just to show guests the basics of Cartwheel, because they're been pushing the use of Cartwheel extra hard lately. I also will sometimes use my own cartwheel for guests if they're buying the right items and they haven't been obnoxious.
Shoes (and shirt) are required, phones are not.

As someone stated, if you use your own to help guests, there is no reason for Target to make the necessary capital expenditures so that we have the equipment required to do our jobs. Target choses to not invest much in it's TMs, so let's at least invest its facilities and equipment.
Target surely didn't have enough equipment before smart phones. It won't have enough now or ever. We had two dozen flow members on yesterday. We have seven pdas for them to share. Maybe a couple mydevices to sacrifice. That's still one for every two flow members. That's how corporate wants it.
I used to like using my phone for work, but now I refuse. Some guest actually TOLD me to take out my smartphone and use my cartwheel for her once, and at that point I was done. Bending over backwards for guests is one thing, but they have no right to my own tech.

At what point would anyone think that you could tell somebody to haul out their own phone and do that for you?
I've seen so many cases of obnoxious self entitled douche nozzlets on this board but that one is right over the edge.
At what point would anyone think that you could tell somebody to haul out their own phone and do that for you?
I've seen so many cases of obnoxious self entitled douche nozzlets on this board but that one is right over the edge.
It was beyond ridiculous. She was nice at first, and mentioned that sometimes cashiers have cartwheel for her. When I told her that some of our team members like to keep their phones on them because it's easier to explain cartwheel when you can actually show somebody, she asked why I couldn't just do that for her right now. I said "If I had a work phone that was target property I would love to, but this is my personal phone and I don't want to use it for work or let guests use it." ..After that she said "You need to take out your phone and give me my coupons, you can't keep them from me like this."
It was beyond ridiculous. She was nice at first, and mentioned that sometimes cashiers have cartwheel for her. When I told her that some of our team members like to keep their phones on them because it's easier to explain cartwheel when you can actually show somebody, she asked why I couldn't just do that for her right now. I said "If I had a work phone that was target property I would love to, but this is my personal phone and I don't want to use it for work or let guests use it." ..After that she said "You need to take out your phone and give me my coupons, you can't keep them from me like this."
Yeah I had that one time. "My phones dead so I can't use cartwheel- let me use yours!". It's one thing to show cartwheel to people on my own phone, it's another to let them use it, delete my entire cart so they can scan all their groceries so they can maybe save a buck or two.
Also there's the issue you can only use cartwheel 6x a day, so during really good cartwheel deals (like the 40% off shoes or the 50% off toys during christmas) you can basically forget about using them yourself (unless you go shopping before work) because at least 15 people will demand you use your own phone because they're too lazy to read the entire sign and we gotta vibe it, right team?
Coupons are a courtesy, not a right.
Yeah I had that one time. "My phones dead so I can't use cartwheel- let me use yours!". It's one thing to show cartwheel to people on my own phone, it's another to let them use it, delete my entire cart so they can scan all their groceries so they can maybe save a buck or two.
Also there's the issue you can only use cartwheel 6x a day, so during really good cartwheel deals (like the 40% off shoes or the 50% off toys during christmas) you can basically forget about using them yourself (unless you go shopping before work) because at least 15 people will demand you use your own phone because they're too lazy to read the entire sign and we gotta vibe it, right team?
Coupons are a courtesy, not a right.

Right! Well and i usually didn't mind adding 1 or 2 items to my cart and scanning it for a guest if i was feeling like some vibe overkill, but when people start to think it's a 'right' that they're entitled to, that crosses a line.
It was beyond ridiculous. She was nice at first, and mentioned that sometimes cashiers have cartwheel for her. When I told her that some of our team members like to keep their phones on them because it's easier to explain cartwheel when you can actually show somebody, she asked why I couldn't just do that for her right now. I said "If I had a work phone that was target property I would love to, but this is my personal phone and I don't want to use it for work or let guests use it." ..After that she said "You need to take out your phone and give me my coupons, you can't keep them from me like this."



And I thought she was bad before.
What the hell is wrong with people?
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