Archived Person phones

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Yeah I had that one time. "My phones dead so I can't use cartwheel- let me use yours!". It's one thing to show cartwheel to people on my own phone, it's another to let them use it, delete my entire cart so they can scan all their groceries so they can maybe save a buck or two.
Also there's the issue you can only use cartwheel 6x a day, so during really good cartwheel deals (like the 40% off shoes or the 50% off toys during christmas) you can basically forget about using them yourself (unless you go shopping before work) because at least 15 people will demand you use your own phone because they're too lazy to read the entire sign and we gotta vibe it, right team?
Coupons are a courtesy, not a right.
If a guest ever said that to me I think I'd just call over the highest tier TL in the building to vibe it out. And walk away.
Wait. So, we're actually allowed to use our own Cartwheel when a guest is having a hard time getting into their own? Nobody has ever spoken to me about this, but I just assumed it was a no-no. Last week Saturday, I had a REALLY nice guest who I was trying to help download Cartwheel and get the 25% off C9 products (she bought quite a bit). She couldn't remember her information so she walked away without the discount. I wish I had known it was okay to scan my barcode (I already had the C9 on mine too). I feel awful now. I saw her on Monday and asked if she got it to work and she never did.
I don't think any stores actually want you using your phone to replace your my device, it's to demonstrate. Like showing a guest cartwheel or how to navigate the target app. Hence the tagline "get appy"

Mine sorta does. They keep reiterating in huddles "if you don't have a mydevice, you can search things in the target app on your phone and it'll give you the location!" I almost never get an iPod because of the whole keeping them locked up in tsc when they no longer keep an hr tm back there all day thing my store is now doing. I never use that function when working, though. I use my phone when phone people give me a dpci so I can pull up a pic and I use it to lookup dpci if we get an online item that wasn't stickered at guest service. I just search the brand and find the item.

When I have a mydevice, I log in to my own cartwheel, though. I've offered my barcode to people only ever used it once while on register because I wasn't gonna make people in line wait for the lady to download the app, sign up and add coupons. And I felt bad because I told her about some amazing deal.
My store has a policy absolutely no cell phones but people do it anyways. Sometimes when the myDevice isn't working or you're in the middle of a reset IMO it helps to have your personal phone to at least attempt to find something for a guest quickly instead of standing there awkwardly until the stupid thing restarts.
Wait. So, we're actually allowed to use our own Cartwheel when a guest is having a hard time getting into their own? Nobody has ever spoken to me about this, but I just assumed it was a no-no. Last week Saturday, I had a REALLY nice guest who I was trying to help download Cartwheel and get the 25% off C9 products (she bought quite a bit). She couldn't remember her information so she walked away without the discount. I wish I had known it was okay to scan my barcode (I already had the C9 on mine too). I feel awful now. I saw her on Monday and asked if she got it to work and she never did.
I used my personal login on cartwheel. If I see the guest is having issues on their phone, here is my cartwheel coupon for that item. When you get home download the app, so you can use it like me. I am ready to get the 500.00 badge!
I have my personal phone on me for pedometer reasons. On Saturday, I needed to call a different store to make sure they had stock, so I took my phone out and just dialed it. Heckuvalot easier than getting a functioning phone in the building that has the capability to dial out.

The guest looked confused and said "Are you using your own phone for that?" To which I reply "It's just easier. Also, I have unlimited minutes"
Lol at the people who are whining about using their phone during work insisting target should pay for it. It is just a phone. Doesnt cost you anything extra to use it. Obvously you shouldnt let them use things like your personal cartwheel, but ive even searched things like amazon if a guest wasnt sure of a title.
If Target can't be bothered to provide halfway decent equipment that's actually suited for retail work, I'm not about to use my personal electronics to fill in the gaps (for free). Would you text/call other TMs to communicate if there weren't enough walkies? I know I wouldn't.

Certainly from a IT standpoint Target can view that info if they wanted to, but AP doesn't have access to it let alone the time to mess around with it.

I'm not so sure either way. Someone in the store may have access to the router's IP and site logs, and if so can disable websites and so forth.
Wait. So, we're actually allowed to use our own Cartwheel when a guest is having a hard time getting into their own? Nobody has ever spoken to me about this, but I just assumed it was a no-no. Last week Saturday, I had a REALLY nice guest who I was trying to help download Cartwheel and get the 25% off C9 products (she bought quite a bit). She couldn't remember her information so she walked away without the discount. I wish I had known it was okay to scan my barcode (I already had the C9 on mine too). I feel awful now. I saw her on Monday and asked if she got it to work and she never did.

Why not? It only gets you more spots on your cartwheel I used mine last weekend for a guest. Added nearly $200 to mine for the 50% off swimming pool.
Lol at the people who are whining about using their phone during work insisting target should pay for it. It is just a phone. Doesnt cost you anything extra to use it. Obvously you shouldnt let them use things like your personal cartwheel, but ive even searched things like amazon if a guest wasnt sure of a title.

Feel free to continue to be taken advantage of.
disclaimer: I completely and totally understand why some won't use their phones for work and I support that decision. This following message is for everyone else.

I used the target app on my phone to scan a couple items to get some info and it's way faster than a mydevice! You don't get as much info of course but in a pinch it's great for certain things. I'm assuming the app would probably be just as fast on the iPod. But I wouldn't have reached for the target app if I had an iPod today. I used my phone to scan some things to see if they were online items and I scanned a grill box because I couldn't tell if it was the same one I was looking for from a display or not. Then I scanned some tags because I was 99% sure something was salvage but someone said it came up full... Scanned it and a pic loaded within nanoseconds and I discovered it was some more return fraud womp womp womp. I can zone my usual areas without equipment so I didn't grab anything today then I ended up in situations where I needed it and all I had was my phone.
I wish we had access to the cartwheel account on the my devices at my store, but we don't. I won't use my own phone. Either we figure it out on the guests phone, or not at all. I did have a guest demand I use my phone once, and no, it doesn't happen. For, just use the my device. And are you doing the surveys on your phone? That will get you fired.
Our store created a cartwheel account and logged all the my devices into it.
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