Archived Police: Woman tries to steal in Framingham store full of cops on goodwill mission for kids

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The Article said:
...Chick-fil-A donates food for dinner for the participants...

So a company that shits all over the LGBT community donates to a cause hosted by a very pro LGBT company? 😵

I'm honestly surprised there's one in MA at all. I remember when the late Mayor Menino told them to screw when they wanted to open a location in Boston.

So a company that shits all over the LGBT community donates to a cause hosted by a very pro LGBT company? 😵

I'm honestly surprised there's one in MA at all. I remember when the late Mayor Menino told them to screw when they wanted to open a location in Boston.

CFA as a company gets shit on by some thin skinned folks because of comments made by one guy, their founder Truett Cathy years ago who is now dead. I don't even think he was speaking to represent the company when he made those comments, just airing a personal opinion so whatever. I'm gay and I think CFA's food is great, as does one of my store's leads who is a married lesbian... seriously don't understand why folks are still trying to Boogeyman a chicken restaurant.

It's also ironic that some other corporations, cough Target cough, source their products from slave labor in third world sweatshops but are seen positively because they posture publicly in support of progressive values...hoist the LGBT flag and you can continue being an exploitative megacorp with impunity
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