Archived Posting on Facebook about Spot

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Someone I know just got in trouble at work for a post on FB. It had nothing to do with Target at all. Just someone saw the post and reported it to Target HR.

First rule of Facebook.. Don't ever add anyone from work, to your account.

If asked.. say, oh I don't know my password, and don't really care to get back in. They won't bring it up again, in my experience.
First rule of Facebook.. Don't ever add anyone from work, to your account.

If asked.. say, oh I don't know my password, and don't really care to get back in. They won't bring it up again, in my experience.

This person that got in trouble is not the sharpest tool. I feel bad for the person because of their ignorance at how the world works. Her fb post are mostly inaproprate because of the cussing rants.
I have people from work on my facebook, no TLs though. And i have certain lists of people to block when i post certain things. If I post something about work, I try to be vague and hypothetical so everyone knows what im saying, but I'm not directly talking about target, so if TL/ETLs ever saw it they couldn't do anything.
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My store is odd.

Everybody talks to their respect cliques (management not included in this case). The second someone posts a vague message, everybody is suddenly wondering who you are referring to. Since I'm somewhat a dark horse socially, I never understood that. These people claim up and down they don't care what anyone says, but will straight get in your face if you even leave a vague message.
I am vague on facebook...and even then some of my non-Target postings are thought to be Target aimed by some people. I did a the person shall remain nameless rant (about a fellow TM) and had one I am friends with on facebook think it was her. I am trying to figure out how to block her, without her knowing it. Really, usually my real life and Target life have the same crud going on at the same time so I can blame my posts on my ex, even if it's Target. LOL
My FB rule has always been no friending co workers. I don't want people I work with to be all up in my business, anyway.
One of our baristas called out because "his mother was in the hospital".
Then later that night he posts pix of he & his GF getting sh*tfaced in the nightclub district.
Despite that, the ETLs couldn't touch him because it "wasn't anything negative about spot." It just shot his credibility all to pieces.
First rule of Facebook.. Don't ever add anyone from work, to your account.

If asked.. say, oh I don't know my password, and don't really care to get back in. They won't bring it up again, in my experience.

This person that got in trouble is not the sharpest tool. I feel bad for the person because of their ignorance at how the world works. Her fb post are mostly inaproprate because of the cussing rants.

I make her look like a saint then.
One of our baristas called out because "his mother was in the hospital".
Then later that night he posts pix of he & his GF getting sh*tfaced in the nightclub district.
Despite that, the ETLs couldn't touch him because it "wasn't anything negative about spot." It just shot his credibility all to pieces.

..How did you find my facebook? oh wait..... My gf lives in another state..
. I am trying to figure out how to block her, without her knowing it.

Have you tried the "restricted" list?

I restricted her as much as I could (part of my problem is she is a "share" addict)...the other part of my problem is she is friends with everyone else that I am within the, while she is slow, she is not that slow...she would eventually figure out I had blocked her.
Since I don't do FB, Twitter, or anything else computer/social related except this and looking up inexpensive ways to pass time around town onliine, I'll say this:

Working around more than ten people at a time for a few years will show you just how quickly a mountain can become a molehill, how fast words can spread regardless of their accuracy or source, how ridiculous people can become in the vicinity of A.) Mind-altering substances, B.) People of the gender to whom other people may or may not be attracted to, C.) Et Cetera. ( There is usually copious amounts of Et Cetera. ) ( That's why we don't have to sell it at Spot. Or anywhere. It is indigenous to everywhere. )

Frankly, I think it's patently unfair for a company to hold what you do off the clock against you unless it is causing you to miss work, mess up work, or go to jail ( causing you to, y'know, miss work. ).

That said, all beware: Ever-increasingly, companies/firms/businesses/individuals we may be wanting to work with/for are leaving no stone unturned, especially when it comes to your credit ratings and your social media presence.

For me, I never really considered running for Congress as an option, and I don't do all those social network sites anyway. That said, there may be a slim chance that certain family-oriented corporations may not want to hire me based simply on a hand gesture I pulled on a prank, 150 years ago when I was in middle school, IF-IF-they ever see it.

That's the caveat emptor of the interwebs and today's job market, kids.

Rant over. Thanks, TheBreakroom! 🙂
All my target friends on facebook are the ones liking my status and complaining with me.
The people that I don't trust, don't get added.
This topic is a hot button for me. About a year ago they started telling TM's they can be anywhere from coached to terminated for any negative comments posted on social media sites. So I did some digging and according to the NLRB (Nation Labor Relations Board) you cannot be disciplined for this at all, let alone terminated! They listed at least 6 cases where this had happened and the employee filed a lawsuit and won! They even released a decision saying it is not legal! I'll have to try to find the website again and post a link.

Remember the spot anti-union video, how they say you already have all these federal labor laws that protect employees so you don't need a union? The NLRB is the Federal Agency who is in charge of protecting us and they say it's not legal to do this!! Do you think that would stop them from doing it? Nope! They'll threaten everyone not to do it, might fire you if you do, and say go ahead and file your complaint with the NLRB. Then file your lawsuit and 2 years later we'll settle out of court by giving you a few bucks. 99% of TM's won't go through all that and they know this. That's why they keep doing it! CORPORATIONS RUN AMERICA!

Thanks Hardlinesmaster! You're fast! The link in the Washington Post article to the Wall Street Journal has some more detail about what is protected. I had read this one as well. The one I'm thinking about had statements from the regional NLRB director for the west coast. His statements were much more protective of employee rights on the topic. I'm sure I'll find it again soon.
I guess if you feel you must insult Target or a Leader in your store while on FB make sure to add to the statement how work conditions would improve if that changed.
For example: "My ETL is so stupid and lazy! A group of us are working on a way to address the issue to improve the working conditions at my store." :yess:

Thanks Hardlinesmaster! You're fast! The link in the Washington Post article to the Wall Street Journal has some more detail about what is protected. I had read this one as well. The one I'm thinking about had statements from the regional NLRB director for the west coast. His statements were much more protective of employee rights on the topic. I'm sure I'll find it again soon.

here is another link from 3 days ago:
It's very simple for me. I add work friends (TLs included but I don't add them if they add me it's okay I'll accept) and put them on their own list. So all the people I work with are in this work, if I write a status talking about how I hate my job or something, I can edit the privacy settings so all my friends can see it (except the list, "work"). Since it's friends only with that exception, the public can't see it either, so no worries about Spot trying to search for me post if I mention Target.
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