Since I don't do FB, Twitter, or anything else computer/social related except this and looking up inexpensive ways to pass time around town onliine, I'll say this:
Working around more than ten people at a time for a few years will show you just how quickly a mountain can become a molehill, how fast words can spread regardless of their accuracy or source, how ridiculous people can become in the vicinity of A.) Mind-altering substances, B.) People of the gender to whom other people may or may not be attracted to, C.) Et Cetera. ( There is usually copious amounts of Et Cetera. ) ( That's why we don't have to sell it at Spot. Or anywhere. It is indigenous to everywhere. )
Frankly, I think it's patently unfair for a company to hold what you do off the clock against you unless it is causing you to miss work, mess up work, or go to jail ( causing you to, y'know, miss work. ).
That said, all beware: Ever-increasingly, companies/firms/businesses/individuals we may be wanting to work with/for are leaving no stone unturned, especially when it comes to your credit ratings and your social media presence.
For me, I never really considered running for Congress as an option, and I don't do all those social network sites anyway. That said, there may be a slim chance that certain family-oriented corporations may not want to hire me based simply on a hand gesture I pulled on a prank, 150 years ago when I was in middle school, IF-IF-they ever see it.
That's the caveat emptor of the interwebs and today's job market, kids.
Rant over. Thanks, TheBreakroom! 🙂