Archived Posting on Facebook about Spot

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It's very simple for me. I add work friends (TLs included but I don't add them if they add me it's okay I'll accept) and put them on their own list. So all the people I work with are in this work, if I write a status talking about how I hate my job or something, I can edit the privacy settings so all my friends can see it (except the list, "work"). Since it's friends only with that exception, the public can't see it either, so no worries about Spot trying to search for me post if I mention Target.

I have a few what I like to call "Target Loyalists" on a certain facebook list of mine as well. They're people I get along with well, just don't want them reading what I post about spot. I removed all the TLs off my facebook, I don't really trust any of them.
I'm friends with a bunch of TMs, a few TLs, and even both of our SrTLs, but no higher than SrTL. I very rarely post anything about work unless it's a funny story.
I deal with Target posts the same way I deal with posts about anyone or anything. I imagine that the person I'm saying something about is right in front of me listening, be it a friend or TL or even STL. I never put in writing anything derogatory, it's just plain rude and hurtful. As for griping about my job, well I may say something like "I don't like the way Target does such and such, but it's the rules so I do what I'm told." Believe me even though you may not get fired or even coached you could find yourself on the shortend of a pay raise. They can always find a reason not to give you a raise or promotion, they won't say it's because you made a nasty comment on FB. As for calling in sick and posting about going out to a party or something, well that's just dumb. Nothing may be said at the time, but the next time you call in they won't be as quick to accept that you are really sick and insist you come in. Really they probably can't fire you for saying something rude on FB, but you could find your hours slashed or get the permanent closing shifts or opening shifts. It's just not worth it in my opinion.
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